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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Andorra Nurseries Catalog, Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania
(1903)  Page(s) 128.  
Beryl Tea. Yellow. Deep golden yellow; buds long and perfectly shaped, very highly perfumed. Wherever cut-flowers are in demand for buttonholes or decorative work, this will prove a most valuable acquisition.
(1903)  Page(s) 128.  
Etoile de Lyon (Tea) Yellow. Bright sulphur-yellow, fine form. Good under glass.
(1903)  Page(s) 133.  
Wichuraiana Hybrids
Evergreen Gem Flowers buff in the bud, changing to chreamy white; very double, 2 to 3 inches in diameter; foliage dense, of a rich, bronzy green.
(1903)  Page(s) 128.  
Miscellaneous Everblooming Roses
Francis Dubreuil (Tea).  Crimson.  Flowering abundantly; flowers large, beautiful in bud; color velvety crimson.  A variety of much merit, and much the best of this color.
(1901)  Page(s) 128.  
Miscellaneous Everblooming Roses
Francis Dubreuil (Tea). Crimson. Flowering abundantly; flowers large, beautiful in the bud; color velvety crimson. A variety of much merit, and much the best of this color.
(1903)  Page(s) 133.  
Wichuraiana Hybrids
Gardenia Buds bright yellow; open double flowers cream color, 3 to 3½ inches in diameter. Delightfully fragrant. A free bloomer.
(1903)  Page(s) 134.  
Dickson's Wichuraiana Hybrids:
Irish Beauty Color pure white, with distinct and prominent bright golden anthers, which contrast perfectly with the color of the petals: flowers very large, often measuring 5 inches across, borne in cluster; very free-flowering and deliciously fragrant. Unquestionably the finest single Rose yet raised.
(1903)  Page(s) 134.  
Dickson's Wichuraiana Hybrids:
Irish Glory A most striking flower of immense size, produced in large clusters, the excessive venation rendering the color into a lovely marbled, silvery pink on the inside of the petals, making it contrast with the golden anthers, a combination beyond description; and being flamed on back of petals with crimson, is a real gem in every sense of the word; sweetly and strongly perfumed, and a splendid grower.
(1903)  Page(s) 134.  
Dickson's Wichuraiana Hybrids:
Irish Modesty A very beautiful variety; color an exquisitly delicate coral-pink suffused from base of petals with écru; its delicate straw-colored anthers make a charming tout ensemble; the blooms are large and very plentifully produced.
(1903)  Page(s) 133.  
Madame Georges Bruant Paper-white, large and double, produced in clusters; a valuable pure white decorative Rose, and the first of a new race of hybrids; quite distinct.
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