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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Neuw Kreuterbuch, Vol. II
(1591)  Page(s) 810 - 811.  Includes photo(s).
The ninth race called Rosa Eglenteria / grows quite small and short / with thorny stalks and small leaves / the roses are quite small / white / and fragrant / followed by a black fruit / which is red on the others. In Dutch called Duynenroeskens / i.e. Rosa Dunensis, or also Pimpernelle Rooskens / in Latin Rosa pampinula, because of the foliage / which are like those of the Pimpernell.
[The plate which shows this rose is erroneously titled Feldrose. This has not been corrected in later editions, although Gerard has made the correction in his Herbal when he took over the plate.]
(1591)  Page(s) 810 - 811.  
Felde Rose. Rosa arvina.
The last two races / called Heckrosen [Hedge-roses = R. canina] and Feldrosen [R. arvensis] / are so common every where / that they are well-known to everyone / that they may not be described as one finds many / have also a sweet fragrance.
[The plate titled R. arvina shows R. pimpinellifolia].
(1591)  Page(s) 808.  Includes photo(s).
Weisz Gartenrosen. Rosa alba.
The first race is the white double garden roses / should be known to everyone / quite common / named Rosae albae in Latin.

[same engraving as in "Eicones plantarum" of 1590]
(1591)  Page(s) 808.  Includes photo(s).
Gross Provintz Rose. Rosa Provincialis maior.
The third race are the Provintz Roses / large and small ...... / are of flesh-coloured / a pleasant fragrance / are also well-known / are called Rosae Provinciales, Rosae Persicae, incarnatae, purpureae. These are used for laxative juices.

[same engraving as in "Eicones Plantarum" of 1590]
(1591)  Page(s) 808, 814.  Includes photo(s).
Roth Rose. Rosa rubra.
The other race are the red Roses / either deep red / blood-red or brown-red /are also quite common / do not have a specially pleasant fragrance / smell somewhat / are partly double / partly not double / are called Rosae Milesiae, Rosae purpureae and puniceae.

...From roses also an oil is made /which is useful for many things. It must however be from the red Roses / still in bud form and untimely oil / like camomile oil made.
(1591)  Page(s) 810 -811.  
Heckrosen. Rosa sylvestris.
The last two races / called Heckrosen [Hedge-roses = R. canina] and Feldrosen [R. arvensis] / are so common every where / that they are well-known to everyone / that they may not be described as one finds many / have also a sweet fragrance.
(1591)  Page(s) 810.  Includes photo(s).
Geel Rose. Rosa lutea.
The other race are the yellow roses without fragrance / are also called Rosa lutea not suitable for medicines / or Rosa Aegyptia, Rosa vulpina. Many say/ that the roses should become yellow / if grafted on broom.
(1591)  Page(s) 809.  Includes photo(s).
Weiss Muscatenrose. Rosa moschata alba.
The sixth and seventh races are the white Musk roses / of which many are double / and many are not double / like the white garden roses [alba] / except that / they are smaller. They are found often in Latin countries / have also recently been brought to Germany / bloom in autumn and also in the middle of winter.
And should be these roses the most delightful / not only because of their refined and sweet fragrance / but also because they move the stool / if one eats three or four before the meal / as Matthiolus reports. Are called Muscat-roses due to their fragrance / and Damask-Roses / in Latin Rosae Muscatae, and Bisemröslein [Bisamröslein = small Musk rose].
(1591)  Page(s) 809.  Includes photo(s).
Weiss gefüllte Muscatenrose. Rosa moschata alba multiplex.
The sixth and seventh races are the white Musk roses / of which many are double / and many are not double / like the white garden roses [alba] / except that / they are smaller. They are found often in Latin countries / have also recently been brought to Germany / bloom in autumn and also in the middle of winter.
(1591)  Page(s) 808 - 809.  Includes photo(s).
Klein Provintz Rose. Rosa provincialis minor.
....Provintz Roses / large and small / as the fourth race / are of flesh-coloured / a pleasant fragrance ...

[same engraving as in "Eicones Plantarum" of 1590]
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