A Monograph of the British Roses
(1871) Page(s) 207. Rosa involuta var. smithii Baker R. involuta Smith.... A stunted errect bush, with leaflets naked when mature on the upper surface, hairy principally on the midrib beneath, and scarely at all glandular, the serration closed and sharper than in all the preceding forms [of Rosa x involuta] and but slightly compound; the flowers solitary, the peduncel and calyx-tube densely aciculate, the sepals simpl. The only British specimens I have seen well representing this variety were gathered in Arran by George Don and by Mr. James Ward near Richmond in Yorkshire.
(1871) Page(s) 208. Rosa involuta var. Wilsoni (Borrer) [includes botanical description] Bank of the Menai, near Bangor...and just the same plant gathered by Dr. Moore at Umbra rocks, co. Derry.
It will be seen by the descriptions that the extreme forms [ed. note: of Rosa x involuta, then known as Rosa involuta] placed here run into one another by very gradual stages. Doniana is like reduced mollissima, with crowded unequal prickles, whilst Wilsoni touches close upon rubella,....