The West American Scientist
(1892) Page(s) 27. Alfred de Rougement. Dark rich red.
(1892) Page(s) 27. Black Prince. Like dark red velvet. Choice and rare.
(1892) Page(s) 27. Mad. Catherine Soupert. Hybrid perpetual, exquisite pink, large fine form, good bloomer.
(1892) Page(s) 27. Cherokee Rose. Pure snowy white, large single; pea green foliage; a rampant grower; Esthetic.
(1892) Page(s) 25. Climbing Niphetos. Pure white, long buds, similar to its parent Niphetos, excepting its robust climbing habit. Plant in sheltered location.
(1892) Page(s) 26. Climbing Perle des Jardins. Rich straw color, large and beautiful buds; of robust climbing habit, in other respects similar to its parent Perle des Jardins.
(1892) Page(s) 26. Cloth of Gold. Golden yellow.
(1892) Page(s) 28. Clothilde Soupert. Very double and sweet. The color is pearl-white, deepening to carmine at the center. One of the loveliest Roses of late introduction, and as far as its blooming qualities are concerned, it cannot be equalled. Of robust habit and easy culture. It is destined to become one of the most popular Roses for either in or out-door culture.
(1892) Page(s) 28. Countess de Frigneuse. Delicate canary yellow; long pointed buds; exquisite.
(1892) Page(s) 25. Duchess of Albany. Resembles La France but a deeper color—a grand rose.