Naturnahe Rosen - Garten- und Wildformen.
(2010) Page(s) 178. Includes photo(s). Frühlingsanfang...1950....'Johanna Hill' x R. pimpinellifolia 'Altaica'...milk-whitew, medium size (6 cm), single, May to June, strong fragrance. Floriferous shrub....Many reddish-black hips from end August...150-200cm, upright, no suckers...
(2010) Page(s) 178. Includes photo(s). Pimpinellifolia Frühlingsduft. The name says it: Intense fragrance, 8 cm. Reblooms in autumn. Unfortunately no fruit.
(2010) Page(s) 179. Includes photo(s). Frühlingsgold 1937...'Joanna Hill' x R. spinosissima hispida...Light yellow, large (9 cm), semi-double, May and June, strong fragrance. Floriferous shrub...Numerous brownish-red fruit, rounded, 1.8 cm...200-250 cm, upright, arching, no suckers...
(2010) Page(s) 180. Includes photo(s). Frühlingsmorgen...1942....R. pimpinellifolia var. altaica x 'E.G. Hill' x 'Cathrine Kordes'.... Pink resp. carmine-pink with whitish yellow center, large (11 cm), single, May to June, no fragrance. Good repeat in August....Few hips...150-180 cm, vigorous, upright, no suckers....
(2010) Page(s) 180. Includes photo(s). Pimpinellifolia Frühlingsschnee. Pure white and semi-double, fragrant, 6 cm
(2010) Page(s) 180. Includes photo(s). Pimpinellifolia Frühlingsstunde Carmine-pink with white, semi-double, mild fragrance, 10 cm
(2010) Page(s) 180. Includes photo(s). Pimpinellifolia Frühlingstag Carmine-pink with a lot of yellow, semi-double, no fragrance, 10 cm
(2010) Page(s) 269. Includes photo(s). R. pendulina 'Mount Everest', hybrid of unknown origin, large, flowers in May, rose-pink with white center, scentless. Impressive large bush. Needs room so place carefully - good in groupings, as a high rose hedge and as a specimen.