Flora, oder allgemeine botanische Zeitung
(7 Jul 1834) Page(s) 385-396. ["Der Rosenstreit" by Nees von Esenbeck: Description of the altercation between James Booth Sons and Johang Georg Christian Lehmann regarding 'Königin von Dänemark' vs. 'Belle Courtisane']
(14 Jul 1834) Page(s) 401-410. ["Der Rosenstreit" by Nees von Esenbeck: Description of the altercation between James Booth Sons and Johang Georg Christian Lehmann regarding 'Königin von Dänemark' vs. 'Belle Courtisane'] Part 2
(1832) Page(s) 573. ....a Paeonia mollis Anderson, which I have in front of me, is in my opinion a variety of P. officinalis with foliage that is as downy as P. banatica. According to my observations the characteristic of downy and vilious fruit has little value in the species Paeonia, and is variable as in Aconitum, Delphinium and other Ranunculaceas.
(21 Aug 1876) Page(s) 374. [From "Rosenformen beobachtet 1875" by Dr. Christ] Translation: Evidence of new locations of rare forms...A very interestuing collection was sent to my by Reverend Kemler of Donnstetten from the Swabian Alps (the Jura of Württemberg). It includes R. rubrifolia, R. Reuteri in different Forms: cabellicensis, pilosula, (Flora 1875 N. 19.), complicata etc. R. graveolens Gren. f. calcarea Ch. R. der Schweiz 120 with bright pink blooms, R. tomentella Lém. f. sinuatidens and f. pycnocephala, R. rubiginosa f. Gremlii R. d. Schweiz 107. (white) und especially in company of R. pimpinellif f. R. Falbini Woods f. Ravellae R. d. Schweiz 75., so that this species which is so rare on the continent is secured with a new, and as it seems, an extended location.
(21 Oct 1821) Ad Floram Erlangensem auct. Schweiger et Koerte adnotationes nonnullae. Scripsit Dr. G. G. Zuccarini... Classis XII. Ico sandria e. Polygynia, P. I. p. 122. adde: 4. Rosa pumila Lin, Zwergrose, Rainrose, tubo calycis oviformi, pedunculisque glanduloso hispidis, foliolis ovalibus duplicato - glanduloso serratis subtus discoloribus, pubescentibus; petiolis glandulosis aculeatis; caule superne aculeato aculeis inaequalibus sparsis. Rau enum. ros. VVirtzeb. Jacq. austr. 2. p. 59. t. 198.