New Floral Guide, The Conard & Jones. Co.
(1900) Page(s) 16. Baronne Ada-- A beautiful new Tea Rose, first-class in every way; it is quite hardy and a free and constant bloomer; color rich creamy white, with chromo yellow centre, broad thick outer petals; very large, full and sweet, strong plants, 20 cts. each; larger size, 25 cts.. postpaid. Two-year, 40 cts. each, express.
(1900) Page(s) 6. Belle Vichysoise—A new constant blooming Cluster Rose, flowering continuously through the whole season; pure white flowers in grape form clusters, sometimes tinted rose; semi-climbing habit, best for low trellises and beds, from which roses can be picked from June to December. Blooms all the time. 15c. each...
(1898) Page(s) 9. New and Scarce European Roses. Introduced by Noted European Growers. Belle Vichysoise. Medium size flowers, borne in grape form clusters of 20 to 30 roses each. The color varies from white to rose, it is a very handsome and attractive variety, of climbing habit, suitable for low trellis and conservatory planting, constant and profuse bloomer, 20 cents each.
(1900) Page(s) 4. New Hardy Ever-blooming Rose Clara Barton We ask special attention to this LOVELY NEW ROSE. It was originated by ourselves and named by special permission in honour of Clara Barton, President of the World's Red Cross Society.
It is the result of a union between the Splendid American Beauty Rose and the beautiful Clotilde Soupert. The flowers are very large, perfectly double, and wonderfully sweet, and each one is set in a pretty rosette of leaves, making it an elegant bouquet in itself. The color is delicate flesh pink, with deep rose centre; the bush is quite hardy and a tremendous bloomer, continuously loaded with flowers the whole season. Undoubtedly one of the most beautiful Hardy Ever-blooming Roses recently introduced, and sure to be in large demand as soon as it is known. Extra fine both for bedding and house culture. Price, Good Mailing Plants, 25 cts. each. Larger size, 30 cts. each, postpaid. Two-year Size, 50 cts. and 75 cts. each, Express. One of the Sweetest and Most Beautiful of all NEW HARDY EVER-BLOOMING ROSES
(1900) Page(s) 7. Hardy Ever-blooming Climbing Roses Climbing Souv. of Wootton -- Velvety red, very sweet; constant and profuse bloomer; large double flowers, often 6 inches across; hardy with usual protection.
Irene Watts -- A lovely China Rose grows low and bushy and is a most profuse bloomer, elegant for bedding, the buds show creamy white at first changing when fully open to salmon rose, blooms all Summer and Fall, pretty and desirable. 10 cts., larger size, 15 cts., postpaid. Two-year size, 30 cts., by express.
(1901) From 'New Floral Guide': West Grove, PA: Conard & Jones Co., 1901
IRENE WATTS -- A lovely China Rose grows low and bushy and is a most profuse bloomer, elegant for bedding, the buds show creamy white at first changing when fully open to salmon rose, blooms all Summer and Fall, pretty and desirable. 10 cts., larger size, 15 cts., postpaid. Two-year size, 30 cts., by express.
(1898) Page(s) 2. New China Rose—Irene Watts. Neat compact habit; quite hardy; constant and profuse bloomer all summer and fall. Buds pinkish white, changing when fully open to fine salmon rose. Valuable for beds and borders.
(1900) Page(s) 7. We give special attention to originating new varieties of Roses, and have the pleasure of offering for 1900--A superb New Hybrid Tea Rose "Magnafrano," and our Grand New Hybrid Wichuraiana "Alba Rubifolia," fully described on page 7.
New Hybrid Tea Rose. 'Magnafrano' (C. & J. CO., 1900) This grand Rose was obtained by carefully hybridizing the splendid Hybrid Perpetual Rose, Magna Charta with Safrano Tea. It combines the hardiness and vigor of the former with the free-blooming habit and delightful fragrance of the Tea Roses. The flowers closely resemble Magna Charta in size and fullness, but are more double, and the color is clear deep rose, very beautiful and delightfully sweet. It is a strong healthy grower, and constand and abundant bloomer. Confidently recommended as on
(1900) Page(s) 11. CLIMBING SOUVENIR OF WOOTTON-One of the best and most beautiful Hardy Ever-blooming Climbing Roses yet, produced. Pure, rich, velvety red, full equal to Gen'l Jacqueminot in color. Delightfully sweet, and a more constant and profused bloomer, every shoot producing a bud. Extra large, fully double flowers, frequently 6 to 6 inches across. A vigorous grower and quite hardy...