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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Hillier's Manual of Trees & Shrubs
(1984)  Page(s) 333.  
canina L. ‘Dog Rose’. A familiar native rose of hedge banks and downs. A medium-sized to large shrub with strong prickly stems and leaves with five to seven leaflets. Flowers 4 to 5cm. across, white or pink scented, followed by bright red egg shaped fruits. Perhaps the most variable of all roses, countless varieties and subspecies having received names. Europe; W. Asia.
(1973)  Page(s) 341.  
' Glory of Edzell ' . A very beautiful , early - flowering shrub reaching 2m . in height . The clear pink , lemon - centred flowers garland the slender branches in May . Possibly of hybrid origin .
(1984)  Page(s) 342.  
rubiginosa L. (eglanteria L. not MILL.). "Sweet Briar"; "Eglantine". A strong growing, medium-sized shrub with stout, erect, densely prickly and glandular stems. The deliciously aromatic leaves are composed of five to seven rounded leaflets and the clear pink, fragrant, beautifully formed flowers, 3 to 4cm. across. stud the arching branches during summer. Fruits bright red, oval, lasting well into winter. A lovely native species famed for its fragrance both of flower and foliage. It makes a pleasant but vigorous hedge. Europe. It is a parent of innumerable hybrids and has given rise to several hundred forms, few of which are now in cultivation. Please see our Rose Catalogue under Lord Penzance's Briars. A.M. 1975.
(1979)  Page(s) 345.  
.....wardii mulligan. The type of this rare Tibetan species is thought not to be in cultivation and is represented by the following form: — 'Culta'. A lax-growing shrub up to 2m. with arching branches and leaves similar to those of R. moyesii. Flowers are also similar to those of the latter, but petals are creamy-white with a mahogany-red disc surrounded by yellow stramens. SE Tibet. Introduced 1924 by Kongdon-Ward.
(1979)  Page(s) 334.  
Rosa x coryana Hurst (macrophylla x roxburghii). A strong-growing, medium-sized shrub resembling more R. roxburghii in general appearance. Flowers 5 to 6 cm. across, deep pink apppearing in June. Raised at the University Botanic Garden, Cambridge in 1926 and named after Mr. Reginald Cory.
(1981)  Page(s) 209.  
'Sakurajishi'. Lustrous pink, irregularly cut petals; double, large.
(1981)  Page(s) 209.  
'Shunkoden'. Rosy-violet; semi-double.
(1981)  Page(s) 209.  
'Taiyo'. Brilliant red with satin sheen of maroon; semi-double.
(1981)  Page(s) 209.  
'Yachiyo-tsubaki'. Phlox pink, shading to soft neyron rose at tips, long petals ruffled and fringed at edges; semi-double to double. CULTURAL NOTES Whilst the above are winter hardy, the young growth is susceptible to damage by night frost...
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