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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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The Rose (Ellwanger 1914).
(1914)  Page(s) 268.  
517. La Souveraine, vig. H.R. E. Verdier, 1874. Rose color, large flowers, semi-double or double, cupped form ; inferior.
(1914)  Page(s) 268.  
532. Laneii. M. Laffay, 1854. (Sent out by Lane & Son.) Red, good foliage, with five leaflets ; not subject to mildew. Propagates with great difficulty from cuttings.
(1914)  Page(s) 245.  
Claudine Perreau, vig. T. Lambert, 1887. A seedling of Souvenir d'un Ami, with full, globular, pink flowers; flower stems stiff, blooms well displayed.

[An identical description also appears in the 1892 edition of the book on page 245.]
(1914)  Page(s) 286.  
780. Marshall P. Wilder, vigorous, Hybrid Remontant. Ellwanger & Barry, 1884. Raised from the seed of Gen. Jacqueminot. It is of vigorous growth, with healthy foliage, flowers large, semi-globular, full, well-formed; color, cherry-carmine, much like a light-colored Marie Baumann, or a shade deeper than Marie Rady, and very fragrant. In wood, foliage, and form of flower, it resembles Alfred Colomb, but the seedling excels that famous variety in vigor, hardiness and freedom of bloom. It continues to bloom profusely long after the other Remontants are out of flower. In brief, it may be described as an improved Alfred Colomb.
(1914)  Page(s) 306.  
1067. Vulcain, mod. H. R., E. Verdier, 1862. Rich crimson, double, well formed ; a rose of splendid color.
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