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Nikolas Gartvis and the rose collection of the Imperial Botanic Garden at Nikita
Baronesse Julia Berkheim and Princess Anna Golitzin, owners of estates in Koreiz [a small resort town near Yalta] were immortalized in the roses «Baronne Julie de Berkheim» and «Princesse Anne Golitzin».
The rose catalogue of 1834 includes 210 classes and varieties....The largest group is those of R. gallica....Like every man who loves his country, Gartvis did not forget it while living in Crimea......Hybrids of R. alba are Прекрасная Ливония (Belle de Livonia) and Белая Рига (Blanche de Riga).
(2001) a letter of Gartvis sent from Nikita to M. Vorontsov on 17 June 1833...."I venture to ask Monsieur Count and Madame the Countess to graciously accept the honour of two of the most beautiful roses of those that we derived, and decorate them with your name....The rose dedicated to Monsieur the Count refers to the winding evergreen species, whose long branches are able to completely cover houses, and flowers of this particular class, from 6 to 8 in a bouquet, roses have the size of centifolias, bright pink, almost dark.
(2001) a letter of Gartvis sent from Nikita to M. Vorontsov on 17 June 1833...."I venture to ask Monsieur Count and Madame the Countess to graciously accept the honour of two of the most beautiful roses of those that we derived, and decorate them with your name. The same name as Madame the Countess is from the seeds of the old roses Thea (Rose odoratissima), but the flower of the rose a richer, more perfect in form and foliage of a lush and elegant...."
The roses «Графиня Наталья Чернышева» and «Графиня Пален» (Comtesse Nathalie Tchernischoff, Comtesse Pahlen) were devoted to sisters, living on the Southern coast.
The roses «Графиня Наталья Чернышева» and «Графиня Пален» (Comtesse Nathalie Tchernischoff, Comtesse Pahlen) were devoted to sisters, living on the Southern coast.
Baronesse Julia Berkheim and Princess Anna Golitzin, owners of estates in Koreiz [a small resort town near Yalta] were immortalized in the roses «Baronne Julie de Berkheim» and «Princesse Anne Golitzin». The latter was noted in the catalogue to be of rich red colour, double and two times more than the parent cultivar 'Grevilliea'.
The rose catalogue of 1834 includes 210 classes and varieties....The largest group is those of R. gallica....Like every man who loves his country, Gartvis did not forget it while living in Crimea. It is no chance that varieties of R. gallica are named Несравненная Ливония (Incomparable de Livonia), Прекрасная Рига(Belle de Riga), Тенистая Рига (Ombre de Riga), Темно-бриллиантовая Ливония (Foncée-brillante de Livonia).
The rose catalogue of 1834 includes 210 classes and varieties....The largest group is those of R. gallica....Like every man who loves his country, Gartvis did not forget it while living in Crimea......Hybrids of R. alba are Прекрасная Ливония (Belle de Livonia) and Белая Рига (Blanche de Riga).
The rose catalogue of 1834 includes 210 classes and varieties....The largest group is those of R. gallica....Like every man who loves his country, Gartvis did not forget it while living in Crimea. It is no chance that varieties of R. gallica are named Несравненная Ливония (Incomparable de Livonia), Прекрасная Рига(Belle de Riga), Тенистая Рига (Ombre de Riga), Темно-бриллиантовая Ливония (Foncée-brillante de Livonia).
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