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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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(Mar 1928)  Page(s) 102.  
Fernand Rabier — Wich. Hyb. (Turbat '19) Deep crimson scarlet, type of Excelsa, but two shades deeper.
(Mar 1928)  Page(s) 102.  
Gneisenau — Mult. Hybr. (P. Lambert '24) A tall pillar, very large single white bloom profusely produced all over the bush, very distinct.
(Mar 1928)  Page(s) 102.  
Ile de France — Wich Hybr. (Nonin '24) A double American Pillar, deeper in color.
(1925)  Page(s) 122.  
Margaret M. Wylie. HT. Light flesh, heavily flushed deep rosy pink toward edges of petals; sweetly scented.
(1914)  Page(s) 150.  
Noisette or Champney...Climbing Meteor, red..
(1928)  Page(s) 102.  
Nemo—Rug. Hyb.—A pillar or climbing everblooming Rugosa continuous bloomer, large double red roses, with old rose perfume.
(1914)  Page(s) 346.  
The variety is very floriferous, and the flowers maintain their color until the petals fall; name, Climbing Pink American Beauty.
(1923)  Page(s) 50.  
I have a hardy everblooming climber in the new Rose Vondel. This is ironclad and a free bloomer, ...
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