(1987) Page(s) 60. There are two other old crimson Chinas, both single-flowered; Miss Lowe is a small plant like 'Miss Willmott's'. I have had it for many years, having been given cuttings by E. A. Bowles who was a friend of Dr. Lowe of Wimbledon. This closely resembles the painting by P. J. Redoute in Les Roses of 1817, Vol 1, p49, as R. indica. The other is a sturdy, wide bush which flourishes in the sandy soil at Wisley, having been presented to the garden under the name of 'Bengal Crimson'. (Many of the roses from China were originally known to Europeans as R. indica or Bengal roses, because of their having reached gardens prior to being introduced to Europe.) This rose was first listed in my Manual of Shrub Roses 1962, as 'Sanguinea'. It is a worthy garden plant, but little known.
(1987) Page(s) 60. There are two other old crimson Chinas, both single-flowered; 'Miss Lowe' is a small plant like Miss Willmott's.
(1987) Page(s) 60. There are two other old crimson Chinas, both single-flowered; 'Miss Lowe' is a small plant like 'Miss Willmott's'. I have had it for many years, having been given cuttings by E. A. Bowles who was a friend of Dr. Lowe of Wimbledon. This closely resembles the painting by P. J. Redoute in Les Roses of 1817, Vol 1, p49, as R. indica The other is a sturdy, wide bush which flourishes in the sandy soil at Wisley, having been presented to the garden under the name of Bengal Crimson. (Many of the roses from China were originally known to Europeans as R. indica or Bengal roses, because of their having reached gardens prior to being introduced to Europe.) This rose was first listed in my Manual of Shrub Roses 1962, as Sanguinea. It is a worthy garden plant, but little known.
(1987) Page(s) 144. Includes photo(s). 'Stanwell Perpetual'. So far as scanty records relate, this was a self-sown seedling rose found in a garden or hedgerow in Stanwell, Middlesex, and was propagated and put on the market by the famous nurseryman Lee of Hammersmith in 1838.....