The Rose (Ellwanger 1882)
(1882) Page(s) 199. Adam, moderate [growth], (Syn. President.), T., Adam, 1838. Salmon-rose, fragrant ; esteemed for forcing.
(1882) Page(s) 199. Adrienne Christophle, moderate [growth], T., Guillot-fils, 1868. Apricot-yellow.
(1882) Page(s) 200. Alfred Colomb, free [-blooming], H.R., Lacharme, 1865. Raised from General Jacqueminot. Carmine-crimson; large, or very large, full; of fine, globular form, extremely fragrant; green wood, with occasional pale green thorns, the foliage large and handsome. A grand rose; the most useful, in its class, for general cultivation.
(1882) Page(s) 261. Alphonse Karr, moderate [growth], Bourbon, Nabonnand, 1878. Raised from Duchess of Edinburgh. Rosy crimson. Sent out as a Tea ; but, with its parent, is better placed among the Bengals. There is, as yet, no crimson Tea.
(1882) Page(s) 202. Amabilis, free [growth], T., Touvais. Flesh color, centre rose ; habit, branching.
(1882) Page(s) 202. Amazone, moderate [growth], T. Ducher, 1872. Yellow, reverse of petals veined with rose ; long, well-formed buds ; habit delicate.
(1882) Page(s) 202. America, vig., Noisette, C. G. Page, 1859. (Sent out by T. G. Ward, of Washington.) Raised from Solfaterre x Safrano. Pale yellow, with fawn centre; large, full flowers; more shy than either parent.
(1882) Page(s) 32. We believe some of the French rosarians have acted on this suggestion [by Jean Sisley, to cross R. Polyantha with other types to get flowers in panicles], and that they have been successful in producing roses with these characteristics, as in the two varieties Paquerette raised by Guillot-fils, and Anne Marie de Montravel raised by Rambaux and Dubreuil
(1882) Page(s) 203. Anne Marie de Montravel, mod.[erate growth], Pol., Rambeaux & Dubreuil, 1879. Very small, full, white flowers, somewhat fragrant. Resembles Paquerette.
(1882) Page(s) 203. Anna Ollivier, moderate[growth], T., Ducher, 1872. Buff, shaded with rose.