HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
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Nelsons' Florida Roses
(21 Jun 2015)  Includes photo(s).
Anne McKinnon. Pink. Hybrid Tea. A delicate, beautiful, slightly fragrant sport of 'Calico'.
Discovered by Mark Nelson and named after his mother in law.
(21 Jun 2015)  Includes photo(s).
Catherine Nelson. Pink. Climber. Sport of 'Don Juan' with the same great growth habits. Light fragrance. Discovered by Mark Nelson and named after his mother, wife of BP Nelson (one of the original Nelson brothers)
(21 Jun 2015)  Includes photo(s).
Josephine Land Pink. Antique Rose. Very popular/hardy rose. Very fragrant. Mark Nelson discovered this rose and named it after his late maternal grandmother. She had 9 children, we like to tell people this rose is just as tough as she was!
(21 Jun 2015)  Includes photo(s).
Neptune. Pink/Lavender. Hybrid Tea. Grows tall and upright with large flowers. Australian Origin
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