(2009) Page(s) 168. Includes photo(s).
Nearly every day I also remove dead blooms from seventy bushes of an exquisitely fragrant lilac, flushed pink and buff, rose that we entered in the Australian rose trial grounds at the Adelaide Botanic Gardens. We await the final judging but I have heard that its intense perfume has been well received. In the judging stakes, scent carries more points than any other characteristic. Even if it does not win an award, we will release it. It already has a name ‘ ‘Lynley’s Lilac’ – after my mother who has a penchant for fragrant lavender roses, especially the pretty ‘Angel Face’ , which is one of the parents of this brand new rose.
Caption to photo: Our own new rose 'Lynley's Lilac' is a chance seedling from 'Angel face'.
Caption to photo: My mother with a bunch of her rose 'Lynley's Lilac'.