Vollständiges Handbuch der Blumengärtnerei, Vol. 3, 2nd ed. (1842)
(1842) Page(s) 278. Varieties of the Noisette-Rose...with pink and flesh-coloured, purple-reddish and lilac-coloured blooms...à grand fleur pourpre, purple, large
(1842) Page(s) 273. R. gallica....Varieties....with carmine-red, purple-red and red blooms...A la Mode, red
(1842) Page(s) 280. Varieties of the Tea Rose...with pink, flesh-coloured and red blooms...à odeur d'Anisette (Egine), flesh-colour, with anis fragrance
(1842) Page(s) 284. Rosa indica semperflorens. Unter den zahlreichen Spielarten sind folgende zu empfehlen: Mit rothen und dunkelfarbigen Blumen, Abbé Mioland, purpurroth, gefüllt, kugelig...
Rosa indica semperflorens. Of many varieties, the following are recommended: With red and dark-colored flowers. Abbé Mioland, the double, globular blooms are purple...
(1842) Page(s) 276. Varieties of the Bourbon-Rose...Abranelle, pink, inside white
(1842) Page(s) 276. Varieties of the Bourbon-Rose...Acidalie, whitish pink
(1842) Page(s) 278. Varieties of the Noisette-Rose...with white or yellowish blooms...Adèle Bernard, white, core flesh-coloured
(1842) Page(s) 282. R.ind. semperflorens...Varieties with white or yellowish blooms...Adeline de Come, pure white, yellow core
(1842) Page(s) 268. R. damascena....Varieties:...Admirable bordé rouge, white, red edges
(1842) Page(s) 268. R. damascena....Varieties:...Adonis, flesh-pink