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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Lindley Nurseries catalogue
(1927)  Page(s) 36.  
Worth-while Roses.
Yellow Roses.
Field-grown, strong 2-year plants, $1 each, $7.50 for 10, $50 per 100
Alexander Hill Gray.  Tea.  Its color is a solid, deep yellow throughout.
(1927)  Page(s) 37.  
Climbing and Rambler Roses
American Pillar.  Unusually large, single flowers, often 3 to 4 inches across, borne in immense clusters.  The color is a delicate pink, with white eye and yellow stamens.
(1927)  Page(s) 37.  
Climbing and Rambler Roses
Amœna.  Pink-flowering Cherokee Rose.  Similar to the white-flowering Cherokee, excepting that the color is a glowing pink, with a golden yellow center; the blooms resemble huge apple blossoms.
(1927)  Page(s) 35.  
Worth-while Roses.
White Roses.
Field-grown, strong 2-year plants, $1 each, $7.50 for 10, $50 per 100
Antoine Rivoire.  Hybrid Tea.  Creamy white, with delicate pink tinge.  A good grower.  
(1927)  Page(s) 36.  
Worth-while Roses.
Red Roses.
Field-grown, strong 2-year plants, $1 each, $7.50 for 10, $50 per 100
Baby Rambler.  Dwarf Polyantha.  Flowers like Crimson Rambler, but in large clusters.  Baby Rambler is a dwarf bush Rose and a true everbloomer, blooming constantly and heavily from May until November.
(1927)  Page(s) 35.  
Worth-while Roses.
White Roses.
Field-grown, strong 2-year plants, $1 each, $7.50 for 10, $50 per 100
Bessie Brown.  Hybrid Tea.  Ivory-white flowers of good substance, highly perfumed.  
(1927)  Page(s) 36.  
Worth-while Roses.
Yellow Roses.
Field-grown, strong 2-year plants, $1 each, $7.50 for 10, $50 per 100
Blumenschmidt.  Tea.  Color deep golden yellow of the richest and purest shade.  Where Roses are grown in the open for cut-flowers, this Rose should be planted, as it ranks with Wm. R. Smith, Helen Gould, White and Pink Maman Cochets.
(1927)  Page(s) 35.  
Worth-while Roses.
Pink Roses.
Field-grown, strong 2-year plants, $1 each, $7.50 for 10, $50 per 100
Bridesmaid.  Tea.  A variety that is very useful in our southern Rose-gardens, because of its free-blooming qualities.  It is a descendant of the old Catherine Mermet but is better in a good many ways.  The flowers are large, fragrant, and of the clearest and deepest pink imaginable.  The plants are unusually strong growers.
(1927)  Page(s) 35.  
Worth-while Roses.
White Roses.
Field-grown, strong 2-year plants, $1 each, $7.50 for 10, $50 per 100
Col. R. S. Williamson.  Hybrid Tea.  Satiny white, with deep blush center.
(1927)  Page(s) 36.  
Worth-while Roses.
Red Roses.
Field-grown, strong 2-year plants, $1 each, $7.50 for 10, $50 per 100
Crusader.  Hybrid Tea.  A new Rose everybody should grow.  The rich crimson-red, full, pointed blooms are large, and borne on long, strong stems in abundance by a vigorous plant.  Its wonderful color will please you.
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