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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Annals of Horticulture
(1846)  Page(s) 255.  
"The Cultivation and Management of Roses"
Noisette Roses.
Boulogne, brilliant deep purple, and fine.
(1850)  Page(s) 497.  
Select Roses, and Their Management.
China Roses.
1. Cameleon, very dark velvety crimson, and sometimes rose, very changeable. [It] is like the old common blush China in growth, and worth planting with that variety. [Cameleon and Mrs. Bosanquet] are about as hardy as the common China. None of this class have more scent than the common China.
(1846)  Page(s) 255.  
"The Cultivation and Management of Roses"
Noisette Roses.
Camellia Rose, rose, distinct and pretty.
(1846)  Page(s) 255.  
"The Cultivation and Management of Roses"
Noisette Roses.
Clara Wendel, pale fawn, changing to straw.
(1846)  Page(s) 255.  
"The Cultivation and Management of Roses"
Noisette Roses.
Cloth of Gold, pure yellow, large and fine.
(1846)  Page(s) 255.  
"The Cultivation and Management of Roses"
Noisette Roses.
Comtesse de Tolosan, white, with rosy centre.
(1850)  Page(s) 497.  
Select Roses, and Their Management.
China Roses.
2. Cramoisie Supérieure, bright deep velvety crimson. [It] is a very great improvement on the old dark China; for a bed by itself or for pots, it is most beautiful... [Cramoisie Supérieure, Eugene Hardy, and Madame Bréon] make neat standards of from two to three feet, and require the same treatment as recommended for the tea-scented varieties... None of this class have more scent than the common China. 
(1846)  Page(s) 255.  
"The Cultivation and Management of Roses"
Noisette Roses.
Elizabeth, nearly white, very double.
(1850)  Page(s) 297.  
Select Roses, and Their Management.
China Roses.
3. Eugene Hardy, creamy pale blush. [Eugene Hardy, Madame Bréon, and Mrs. Bosanquet] would also make good beds on their own roots, either separately or mixed... [Cramoisie Supérieure, Eugene Hardy, and Madame Bréon] make neat standards of from two to three feet, and require the same treatment as recommended for the tea-scented varieties... None of this class have more scent than the common China. 
(1849)  Page(s) vol. 4, page 463.  
Gloire de Rosamine, vivid crimson.
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