Rosen, Obst-und Zierbäume 1927/1928
(1927) Page(s) 12. Rosa wichurana ...Diabolo (Fauque et fils 09), semi-double, blooming in trusses, large, velvety blackish purple and fire-red. Base of petals white.
(1927) Page(s) 13. Rosa wichurana... Francis (Fauque & fils 09). Single, to 25-30, vivid red, golden-yellow stamens
[attribution to Fauque is incorrect, this is Barbier's 'Francis']
(1927) Page(s) 1927/1928 p. 39. 5649 Germania (Dr. Müller 17). Niedrig goldgelb und rot, Blume kleine, gefüllt.
(1927) Page(s) 1927/1928 p. 38. 5618 Les Rosati (Dr. Müller 07). Oefter blühend, lebhaft karmin, Rückseite rosa.
(1927) Page(s) 38. Pimpinellifoliae... 5593 Rosa Wallensis, white
[no longer listed in the 1933 catalogue]