Manual of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs Hardy in North America, 2nd ed.
(1940) Page(s) 446. Rosa setigera...There are several double-fld. forms as 'Baltimore Belle' (B.C.5:f.3439) which are probably hybrids with R. Noisettiana, R. gallica, R. multiflora and others.
(1940) Page(s) 449. R. o. gigantea X Brunonii. Here belongs "Madelaine," "Lemoine," "Montanosa," "Montecito" with paniculate fls.
(1940) Page(s) 449. R. o. gigantea X Brunonii. Here belongs "Madelaine," "Lemoine," "Montanosa," "Montecito" with paniculate fls.
(1940) Page(s) 449. R. o. gigantea X Brunonii. Here belongs "Madelaine," "Lemoine," "Montanosa," "Montecito" with paniculate fls.
(1940) Page(s) 445. R. gymnocarpa...Related species: R. Alberti Reg. Shrub to 1 m.; stems densely prickly and bristly: lfts. orbicular to obovate or ovate, 6-30 mm. long, often doubly serrate, appressed-pubescent beneath: fls. white, about 3 cm. across; pedicels glandular, receptacle smooth: fr. pear-shaped, 1.5-2 cm. long. Turkest. Intr. 1877. Zone V.
(1940) Page(s) 439. R. arkansana Porter. Shrub to o.5 m.; stems very prickly and bristly; lfts. 9-11, elliptic, 2-6 cm. long, acute, coarsely and sharply serrate, glabrous and lustrous above, glabrous and sparingly pilose on the veins beneath; stipules dilated, glandular-dentate; fls. corymbose, pink, about 4 cm. across; pedicels glabrous; fr. subglobose, 1-1.15 cm. across. FL. VI-VII. Wisc. and Minn. to Kans. and Colo. Cult. 1917. Zone IV:
(1940) Page(s) 442. R. caudàta Bak. ...Related species: R. banksiópsis Bak. Prickles few or stems unarmed above: lfts. 7-9, oblong, usually pubescent beneath: fls. 2-3 cm. across: pedicels and receptacle glabrous. W.R.505(fr). W. China. Intr. 1907 or 1909.
(1940) Page(s) 445. R. Beggeriana Schrenk. Much-branched shrub to 2.5 m.; stems with hooked paired and scattered prickles: lfts. 5-9, oval or elliptic-obovate, 8-25 mm. long, simply serrate, pubescent beneath or glabrous, bluish or grayish green; fls. in several- or many-fld. corymbs, rarely solitary, white, rarely pink, 2-3 cm. across; pedicels and receptacle glandular or smooth; fr. subglobose, 6-8 mm. across, red, finally dark purple. Fl. VI; fr.VIII-IX. W.R.171.t(c). I.T: 5:t:122. S.H.1:f.325i-k, 1326k-1. N. Persia to Altai and Song. Intr. 1881. Zone III.
(1940) Page(s) 443. R. bélla Rehd. & Wils. Shrub to 3 m.; stems with slender straight prickles, bristly near the base : lfts. 7-9, elliptic or ovate, 1-2.5 cm long, acutish, rarely obtusish, simply serrate, glaucescent beneath, glabrous except stipitate-glandular on the midrib ; upper stipules broad, glandular-ciliate : fls. 1-3, bright rose, 4-5 cm. across; pedicels 5-10 mm. long, like the receptacle stipitate-glandular ; sepals caudate, leafy and entire at the apex: fr. ellipsoid, atteuate into the neck, 1.5-2 cm. long, scarlet. Fl.VI. I.S.2:t.79. N.China. Intr. 1910. Zone V.- R. b. pállens Rehd. & Wils., f. Fls. light rose-colored. Intr. 1910.
(1940) Page(s) 440. R. blanda Ait. Shrub to 2 m. with slender stems, unarmed or with scattered bristles when young, brown: lfts. 5-7, rarely 9, elliptic to obovate oblong, 2-6 cm. long, usually acute, coarsely serrate, dull and glabrous above, paler and finely pubescent or glabrous beneath: stipules dilated: fls. solitary or few, pink, 5-6 cm. across; pedicels and receptacle smooth: fr. subglobose, about 1.2 cm. across, sometimes ellipsoid. Fl. V-VI. W.R.307,t(c). Miller & Whiting, Wild Fl. 152. B.B.2:283. (R. Solandri Tratt., R. subblanda Rydb.) Nfd. to Pa., Mo., N.D. and Man. Intr. 1773. Zone II?