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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Vollständiges Lexicon der Gärtnerei und Botanik, Vol. 7
(1821)  Page(s) 251.  
Rosa nitidula Bess.; germinibus ovatis basi pedunculisque hispidulis; aculeis caulinis sparsis valde compressis recurvis, petiolis glanduloso-villosis aculeatis, foliolis elliptico-ovatis acutis argute biserratis glabriusculis utrinque concoloribus, floribus solitariis. Besser. l.c.
Translation from the original German text:
The prickles are dispersed on the stem and the branches, are very much compressed and curved. The pedicels are glandular-hirsute, prickly. The leaflets elliptical-obovate, acute doubly serrated, smooth, monocolor, glossy? The blooms are solitary; the ovaries are ovate, which are tomentose at their base, like the peduncles.
Distribution: Tauria [Crimea]
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