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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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A. B. Davis & Son catalog, Purcellville, Virginia
(1896)  Page(s) 4.  
New Roses of Special Beauty.
Belle Siebrecht.
A truly superb Rose, of true solid pink of the richest shade.  A rare color.  The flowers, which are sweetly perfumed, large, beautifully formed, and of long, tapering shape, with high center, when half blown reflex the petals in a graceful manner.  The buds are borne on strong, erect stems.  25 cents.
(1893)  Page(s) 14.  Includes photo(s).
Hybrid Perpetual Roses.
Dinsmore. (Everblooming.) The flowers are large, perfectly double, of a dazzling scarlet-crimson color, and have the rich, spicy fragrance peculiar to the best Hybrid roses. We have proved Dinsmore to be entirely hardy, and can recommend it as being the finest garden rose ever offered. It blooms incessantly, and is one of the most beautiful of all bedding roses. 20 cents.
(1896)  Page(s) 4.  Includes photo(s).
New Roses of Special Beauty.
Everblooming Hardy Climbing Yellow Tea Rose, Douglas' Climax.
This Rose originated with a Mr. Douglas, of the Congressional greenhouses, at Washington, D. C., more than 35 years ago.  He gave a lady friend a plant of it which has successfully stood the winters of more than a quarter of a century unprotected, and from which our stock was propagated last season.  Douglas' Climax is a tea scented, perfectly hardy yellow everblooming rampant climber, with beautiful large, glossy leaves.  The buds are long and of good size, produced singly and in clusters of 40 and 50.  The color is a sulphur-yellow, and the buds resemble those of La Pactole [sic], having the true Tea fragrance.  Twenty-four hundred buds were cut from the original plant (which covered the whole gable end of a large house) in a single day.  This is the only perfectly hardy everblooming yellow Tea Rose in existence, and we control the entire accessible stock.  It is just the Rose everybody is looking for, and to induce all to grow it, we offer strong plants for only 25 cents each, 5 for $1, 12 for $2.
(1896)  Page(s) 4.  
New Roses of Special Beauty.
New Hardy Perpetual-Blooming Rose, Empress of China.
This new variety was introduced from China, and is perfectly hardy.  It makes a growth of from 6 to 12 feet the first season, commencing to bloom as soon as planted out.  The flowers are of medium size, very graceful in form, highly fragrant, and are produced in great abundance from May until the ground freezes in autumn.  The color of flower in bud is soft dark red, changing, as it expands, to the light shade of red seen in an apple blossom.  A grand everblooming climbing Rose.  25 cents.
(1896)  Page(s) 4.  
New Roses of Special Beauty.
Robert E. Lee.
A strong, robust grower, producing elegant long buds borne on long stems; will produce as many buds as any other Rose we know of.  The color s an orange yellow, so rich and peculiar that it attracts attention wherever grown.  20 cents.
(1896)  Page(s) 4.  
New Roses of Special Beauty.
Madame Pernet Ducher.
A robust, vigorous grower; buds turban-shaped and very pretty; flowers semi-double and of medium size; color bright canary yellow.  By all odds the best new French Rose of its color introduced for many years.  20 cents.
(1896)  Page(s) 4.  
New Roses of Special Beauty.
Mrs. W. C. Whitney.
New American seedling Rose (H. T.), undoubtedly by far the finest variety ever raised in America, and one of the greatest acquisitions ever introduced.  Color beautiful shade of clear deep pink, with a fragrance distinct from any other known variety- a combination of Lemon Verbena, Heliotrope and the old favorite Rose "Centifolia".  The flowers are large, full and elongated, many of them can be cut with stems 2 feet long, with extra-fine, handsome foliage.  It is also an exceedingly free-flowering variety, of strong, vigorous growth, and every shoot produces a Rose.  20 cents.
(1896)  Page(s) 4.  
New Roses of Special Beauty.
Pink Soupert.
The flowers are the exact form of Clothilde Soupert's, and in color a deep Hermosa pink.  Single plants, when six months old, under ordinary circumstances often produce 50 perfect flowers.  It is a continuous bloomer, each branch producing a cluster of bloom.  20 cents.
(1896)  Page(s) 4.  
New Roses of Special Beauty.
Princess Bonnie.
A grand new Rose, that is the result of a cross between Bon Silene and W. F. Bennett.  A tremendous bloomer, commencing to flower before the plant is three months old, and continuing through the entire season.  The flowers are large, with long, pointed buds, and are produced on long stiff stems.  The color is a rich, solid crimson, the inside being streaked with white.  The odor is a delicate, very delicious tea scent.  25 cents.
(1896)  Page(s) 4.  
New Roses of Special Beauty.
This elegant new Rose is the result of a cross between M. Niel and Safrano.  We consider it one of the most promising Tea Roses of modern introduction.  It is a vigorous grower, of bushy habit; the blooms are large, double, finely formed, lasting, and of excellent substance, often remaining on the bush until dried up; color light yellow, with a tinge of saffron at the center and reverse of petals a pinkish cast; perfume a delicate and delightful tea scent, similar to that of Marecal Niel, of which it is a pretty miniature.  20 cents.
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