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Michigan Special Bulletin No. 154 Hardy Shrubs for Landscape planting in Michigan
(1926)  Page(s) 52.  
Rugosa Hybrids
Since the rugosa rose from Kamchatka and Northern Japan is the only absulutely hardy, ever-blooming rose that we have, it has been used considerably in recent years as a parent in the breeding of many new hybrids. These rugosa hybrids usually possess the foliage character of rugosa and partake of their hardiness, healthiness and general thriftiness of this parent but are not always so continuous in their blooming habit. Though these hybrids do not compare as cut flowers with the hybrid teas, they are far superior for general landscape planting about the home grounds. In Michigan, they are of special value by reason of their hardiness...
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer, Hardy
This variety is considered by some the handsomest flowering hybrid rugosa rose. The flowers are well formed, silvery pink, fragrant and of large size. It blooms profusely in June and occasionally thereafter. The plant is a very vigorous growing sort, producing canes from six to ten feet in length in a single season. Therefore it requires ample room for development and for the proper display of its flowers. Though the plant is not as hardy as rugosa, it will withstand all but the severest winters without protection except in the northern sections where its growth should not be attempted without winter protection which means laying down the canes and covering them with soil.
(1926)  Page(s) 52.  
Rugosa Hybrids
Since the rugosa rose from Kamchatka and Northern Japan is the only absulutely hardy, ever-blooming rose that we have, it has been used considerably in recent years as a parent in the breeding of many new hybrids. These rugosa hybrids usually possess the foliage character of rugosa and partake of their hardiness, healthiness and general thriftiness of this parent but are not always so continuous in their blooming habit. Though these hybrids do not compare as cut flowers with the hybrid teas, they are far superior for general landscape planting about the home grounds. In Michigan, they are of special value by reason of their hardiness...
F. J. Grootendorst, Very Hardy
This is the first of a race of rugosa roses hybridized with polyanthas, or baby ramblers, combining the characters of the flowers and ever-blooming habit of the polyanthas with the heavy, wrinkled foliage, hardiness and vigor of the rugosa. The bright red double flowers are freely and continuously produced in large clusters from early June until late fall. It is one of the most suitable plants for ever-blooming hedges and also desirable for shrubbery and specimen plantings.
(1926)  Page(s) 52.  
Rugosa Hybrids
Since the rugosa rose from Kamchatka and Northern Japan is the only absulutely hardy, ever-blooming rose that we have, it has been used considerably in recent years as a parent in the breeding of many new hybrids. These rugosa hybrids usually possess the foliage character of rugosa and partake of their hardiness, healthiness and general thriftiness of this parent but are not always so continuous in their blooming habit. Though these hybrids do not compare as cut flowers with the hybrid teas, they are far superior for general landscape planting about the home grounds. In Michigan, they are of special value by reason of their hardiness...
New Century, Hardy
An erect, strong growing variety, producing large fragrant, fully double, pale pink flowers, that are shaded deeper toward the center. This is considered one of the best of Dr. Van Fleet's originations and one of the finest of the rugosas.
(1926)  Page(s) 53.  
Rugosa Hybrids
Since the rugosa rose from Kamchatka and Northern Japan is the only absulutely hardy, ever-blooming rose that we have, it has been used considerably in recent years as a parent in the breeding of many new hybrids. These rugosa hybrids usually possess the foliage character of rugosa and partake of their hardiness, healthiness and general thriftiness of this parent but are not always so continuous in their blooming habit. Though these hybrids do not compare as cut flowers with the hybrid teas, they are far superior for general landscape planting about the home grounds. In Michigan, they are of special value by reason of their hardiness...
Nova Zembla, Hardy
This variety is considered to be a light colored form of Conrad Ferdinand Meyer and is equally fine and hardy. The flowers are of snowy whiteness sometimes slightly tinged with pink. It flowers freely on long stems and is very strong growing—twelve to fifteen feet long.
(1926)  Page(s) 53.  
Rugosa Hybrids
Since the rugosa rose from Kamchatka and Northern Japan is the only absulutely hardy, ever-blooming rose that we have, it has been used considerably in recent years as a parent in the breeding of many new hybrids. These rugosa hybrids usually possess the foliage character of rugosa and partake of their hardiness, healthiness and general thriftiness of this parent but are not always so continuous in their blooming habit. Though these hybrids do not compare as cut flowers with the hybrid teas, they are far superior for general landscape planting about the home grounds. In Michigan, they are of special value by reason of their hardiness...
Sir Thomas Lipton, Hardy
This is a double white flowering rugosa hybrid that blooms profusely in the spring and sparingly in the summer and fall. The plant possesses the desirable foliage of the original rugosa and the extreme vigor that characterizes the Conrad Ferdinand Meyer rose, making it valuable for growing in the background of lower growing shrubs. It is also suitable for specimen planting.
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