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Favourite Roses: 150 Garden Classics
(1996)  Page(s) 31.  Includes photo(s).
Abraham Darby (AUScot) Large-flowered shrub... The attraction of this rose is that it combines apricot-pink colour with old-style quartered blooms... Austin 1985
(1996)  Page(s) 8.  Includes photo(s).
Alba Maxima (R. x alba maxima, 'Cheshire Rose', 'Great White Rose', 'Jacobite Rose') Alba shrub... one of the great historic roses of the West... clear white blooms... 'Maxima' is assumed to have had an ancient five-petalled ancestor, and to have evolved down the centuries through spontaneous fuller-petalled forms being selected by gardeners. It enters history in its heraldic five-petalled form, as the badge of the fourteenth-century Earls of March... linked to the Royal House of York about the year 1410... The name 'Jacobite Rose' links it to the exiled King James II who... as Duke of York had the white rose as his badge... [symbolised] rebellion in Scotland against English rule. Introduced fifteenth century or earlier...
(1996)  Page(s) 54.  Includes photo(s).
Albéric Barbier Rambler. Petite creamy-yellow buds opening into creamy-white flowers... narrow quilled petals. The stems are long and supple, easy to train, and effective for concealing any kind of structure for nine months of the year, since the leaves persist well into winter...
(1996)  Page(s) 55.  Includes photo(s).
Albertine Rambler. This is the sort of variety that comes to mind when we picture the ideal cottage garden... best used where space allows it to grow naturally, with unproductive wood removed every third year or so. It is often planted inadvisedly against walls, where mildew may be troublesome.
(1996)  Page(s) 77.  Includes photo(s).
Alexander ('Alexandra', HARlex) Large-flowered hybrid tea bush... eye-catching vermilion-red blooms on long stiff stems... size will diminish where hot nights prevail... Two of the biggest plants of 'Alexander' ever seen flank the grave of Field Marshal the Earl Alexander of Tunis in whose honour it is named, at Ridge in Hertfordshire... Harkness 1972
(1996)  Page(s) 56.  Includes photo(s).
Alister Stella Gray ('Golden Rambler') Noisette climber... a great favourite with lovers of the older roses...
(1996)  Page(s) 57.  Includes photo(s).
Aloha Large-flowered climber (sometimes listed as a shrub rose)... full-petalled rose and salmon-pink blooms, of exquisite old style quartered form and with good fragrance...
(1996)  Page(s) 57.  Includes photo(s).
Altissimo (DELmur) Climber. Seven big petals in deep bright red open to reveal golden-yellow stamens... this rose can claim to be large-flowered and cluster-flowered, causing a puzzle for obsessive classifiers of rose groups... Delbard-Chabert 1966
(1996)  Page(s) 96.  Includes photo(s).
Amber Queen ('Prinz Eugen von Savoyen', HARroony) Cluster-flowered floribunda... [this rose has been awarded 26 or more international prizes]... It was to have borne the name 'Rosemary Harkness', but when it won Britain's Rose of the Year competition, a change was made on ground of commercial acceptability. In Austria they had their own ideas and bestowed on it the name of a national hero instead. Harkness 1984
(1996)  Page(s) 58.  Includes photo(s).
American Pillar Climber. One of the most noticeable roses in midsummer, when its arching stems are a mass of little five-petalled flowers, each with a white eye in the centre of its carmine petals...
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