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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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The Random House Book Of Roses
(1988)  Page(s) 192-193.  Includes photo(s).
Mary Sumner (Macstra) A floribunda raised by McGredy. Growth tall. Parentage: (Orangeade x Margot Fonteyn) x [Elizabeth of Glamis x (Little Darling x Goldilocks)].
(1988)  Page(s) 18.  
R. serafinii Viv. A dwarf relative of R. rubiginosa up to 50 cm [approx. 20 in.] with hooked or curved prickles. Leaflets 5-7...glandular benearth, aromatic. Hips smooth, red. Native of Corsica, Italy, Sicily, Sardinia and Bulgaria where it grow on dry rocky mountains.
(1988)  Page(s) 34-35.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa wichuraiana Crépin. A creeping rose, sending out long, floppy branches to 3 m or more, smooth green and with curved prickles. Leaflets 5-9, shining green, broadly ovate to almost round, up to 2.5 cm long, glabrous except for the midrib beneath. Stipules ciliate. Flowers 2.5-4 cm across, in loose corymbs, opening in succession; pedicels glabrous. Hips globose, orange red. Native of Japan, Korea and China, mainly on the coast, where it grows on dunes and rocks, the long shoots creeping down the beach, flowering from June to July. In cultivation this species flowers as late as August, and is useful, though not showy, for growing on a steep bank.
Parentage: Aglaia X Mrs. R. G. Sharman Crawford
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