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Zlesak, David Charles

Article (HMF Ezine) published Jul 2005.

Using genetic testing, Paul and David work together to analysis some common rose cytology theories. A "must read" for breeders and hybridizers.

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Article (magazine) published 28 Nov 2018.

Rose black spot, caused by Diplocarpon rosae, is one of the most devastating foliar diseases of cultivated roses (Rosa spp.). The globally distributed pathogen has the potential to cause large economic losses in the outdoor cultivation of roses. Fungicides are the primary method to manage the disease, but are often viewed unfavorably by home gardeners due to potential environmental and health impacts. As such, rose cultivars with genetic resistance to black spot are highly desired. The tetraploid climbing rose Brite EyesTM (‘RADbrite’) is known for its resistance to black spot. To better characterize the resistance present in Brite EyesTM, phenotyping was conducted on a 94 individual F1 population developed by crossing Brite EyesTM to the susceptible tetraploid rose ‘Morden Blush’. Brite EyesTM was resistant to all D. rosae races evaluated except for race 12. The progeny were either resistant or susceptible to all races (2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 13) evaluated

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