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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 25 JUL 15 SHOW ALL
Initial post 22 JUL 15 by shaded
This matches the rose I am trying to ID. My parents had several in their yard, I have pictures also.
My question - Is this rose pleasantly scented? The ones I have smell wonderful.
Reply #1 of 5 posted 22 JUL 15 by Musicgardener
Hi. My experience is that it has minimal scent. It is a floribunda if that helps. If you have a picture of the rose you are trying to identify, I can try to help
Reply #2 of 5 posted 25 JUL 15 by Kim Rupert
Under the right conditions, Sheila's Perfume is highly scented. Scent is created by oils and alcohols. If the conditions either prevent them from being expressed, or cause them to all volatilize too quickly or blow away quickly, you may not perceive them. Cutting buds prior to their fully opening and allowing them to mature indoors in water should help you to smell them. Gene Boerner, the breeder for Jackson & Perkins for many years, checked scent by placing a bloom under his hat where it was humid and warm, two conditions which help scent to express itself.
Reply #3 of 5 posted 25 JUL 15 by shaded
Thank you Kim and also Patti. It is indeed Sheila's Perfume. Here in my garden it does smell wonderful. I have been working a lot trying to save some more roses from my parents old home. No water, and it is very dry there.
Reply #4 of 5 posted 25 JUL 15 by Kim Rupert
You're welcome. I'm happy I could help. Good luck!
Reply #5 of 5 posted 25 JUL 15 by Musicgardener
Good luck!
most recent 23 AUG 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 23 AUG 13 by Musicgardener
Rose Listing Omission

Baron Edmond de Rothchild

Color: Cerise
Color Quirks: Bi-Colored
Scent: Strong
Intro Date: 1968
Introducer: Meilland
Rebloom: Good
Growth Habit: 4
Class: Hybrid Tea

Fragrant, long lasting bloom
Reply #1 of 1 posted 23 AUG 13 by Kim Rupert
Thanks Patti. The rose is already listed here.
most recent 9 JUN 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 JUN 13 by Musicgardener
Clematis Listing Omission

Madame Eduard Andre

Red.  4 to 6 petals.  Average diameter 6".  Single, curved edge bloom form.  Late spring to late summer.   Late Grower 3. (Species: x jackmanii ) Hybridized by Nursery of Baron Veillard; Year of Registration or Introduction: 1892
Reply #1 of 1 posted 9 JUN 13 by HMF Admin
Can you provide an internet reference for us ?
most recent 26 JUN 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 23 JUN 12 by Musicgardener
I note that your listing for Daybreaker says it is a hybrid Tea. It is a floribunda.

thanks so much.

Patti Jacko
Reply #1 of 8 posted 23 JUN 12 by RoseBlush
Patti ...

Do you have a REFERENCE stating that the class should be a floribunda ? Both of the REFERENCES on the rose page give hybrid tea as the class.

Reply #2 of 8 posted 24 JUN 12 by Patricia Routley
Dear Lyn and Patti
There is probably a bit of confusion over two similar sounding roses:
'Daybreaker' FRYcalm. HT. 1998 Fryer.
'Day Breaker'. FRYcentury. flori. 2003. Fryer.
Reply #3 of 8 posted 24 JUN 12 by RoseBlush
Thank you, Patricia.

Reply #4 of 8 posted 24 JUN 12 by Musicgardener
the 2003 one is the one I"m refering too. there is no entry for it so I will create one if that is ok.

Patti Jacko
Reply #5 of 8 posted 25 JUN 12 by Patricia Routley
Yes there is. Ask for FRYcentury and you will go straight to it.
Reply #6 of 8 posted 25 JUN 12 by Musicgardener
This always drives me nuts. Its Day (space) breaker. sigh . ok. got it.
Reply #7 of 8 posted 25 JUN 12 by RoseBlush

There are four different ways to search for a rose in the HMF database. When you go to the SEARCH page, click the down arrow and you can choose to do your search with BEGINS WITH, CONTAINS or ENDS WITH. Having the flexibility to do four different kinds of database searches makes it possible to find the rose you are seeking when they have similar names like 'Daybreaker' vs 'Day Breaker'.

Reply #8 of 8 posted 26 JUN 12 by Musicgardener
got it. thank you for your patience.
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