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R. Sauder
Discussion id : 5-656
most recent 20 MAR 04 SHOW ALL
Initial post 2 MAR 04 by Anonymous-10243
You have a beautiful picture of "Folksinger" on your site. I have this rose on order for Spring.
Does this buck rose have good repeat and any kind of fragerance, and how long do blooms last
on the bush? Any answers would be appreciated. Also what is that beautiful pink rose you have next to Folksinger?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 20 MAR 04 by Anonymous-797
Folksinger is one of the most continuous repeat blooming roses I know of, and very vigorous as well. She also has an interesting quirk in that there is a great variation in the flowers. Most are semi-double and Hybrid Tea like in form. At other times, the plant throws blooms that are fully double, somewhat frilly, and more like an English rose. The first time she did this, I thought I had a sport, but I have 3 plants of Folksinger and they all do this.

She has a fairly strong sweet fragrance. The only fault that this rose has is that she is quite prone to mildew in a humid climate usually beginning in late August. She gets no blackspot in my garden.

The pink rose in the picture is Lilian Austin. She is another favorite. Fragrant, salmon pink with yellow at the base of the petals. Lilian Austin is also extremely vigorous, continuous blooming, and pretty much a disease free rose. I recommend her highly as well.
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