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Henrique Rodrigues Vivián
Discussion id : 23-747
most recent 28 JAN 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 JAN 08 by olga topalova
Dear Henrique, your garden is the best ever!
Sorry for asking, if you don't mind, i've got a rose Fasion (floribunda) in my tiny collection, but i have feeling it could be something else, it looks comletely different from the other photos...
I will be honored, if you take a look at it, when you have a free second.
Thank you very much and good luck,
Olga (o.topalova)
Reply #1 of 2 posted 25 JAN 08 by Henrique R. Vivián
Dear Olga, thank you for your kind comment about my garden.
Unfortunatelly your rose (sold as being Fashion) is much more double than the real fashion. Sometimes nurseries (even the breeders nurseries) change the labels or the roses... I have in my garden some varieties not identified, one of them, irony, sold as Fashion but is a HT very beautiful and a strong fragrance.I don't post my photos of the real Fashion because they are not good.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 28 JAN 08 by olga topalova
Dear Henrique,
Thank you so much! In my listing there are 4 roses, without identification. I very much hope, that someone here, helps me to find out...
The best of luck to You with you lovely garden, that you can see and work at, every day, i have to wait for two months to see mine, cause its nothing but snow at the moment :-)
Discussion id : 13-483
most recent 10 AUG 07 SHOW ALL
Initial post 28 JUL 06 by Marina's Garden. Crawfordville, FL
Mr. Rodrigues,  could you please tell me what is the name of that very dark burgudy rose you posted the picture of lately?  I'm a big fan of the pictures you post from your garden.  Your selection is superb.Thanks, Marina Parr
Reply #1 of 7 posted 31 JUL 06 by Henrique R. Vivián

Dear Marina,

Thank you very much for your kind words concerning my pictures and selection. About your question, when I have photos of roses not registered in HMF or am not sure about their names I post them as garden pictures. This rose came, last Winter, from a very professional nursery in Holland, ROZENKWEKERIJ DE BIERKREEK. I  think they don't care I transcribe their information:

 "...we do not know very much about ILIOS. I only know it was almost extinct and I got it from an old rose grower. We have it for years and first called it ILLOS, but the real name seemed to be ILIOS. I traced it back till 1930-1936, were somebody discribed it as an old garden. Not only the colour is very special, but also the scent, spicy, citron fragrance. We gave some people this rose in different parts of the world to hear their findings. We sent some to Ashdown roses and to Cliff Orent and also to you. Some rose people are looking in the books and papers after this rose. As we find out more, we let you know..."

If you look for ILIOS  in GOOGLE or YAHOO you will find another rose with a lemon yellow colour, but we know that there are different roses with the same name. Thanks again,





Reply #2 of 7 posted 31 JUL 06 by Marina's Garden. Crawfordville, FL
Dear Mr. Rodrigues,Thank you very much for your reply.  I appreciate your time and iformation you gave me.  It would be interesting to hear about this rose from Cliff.  Also, I'm going to attend a seminar at Ashdown Roses this September (Mr. David Stone, the Head Gardener  from Mottysfont Abbey,  is an honored guest at this seminar), I might inquire about this rose there.  The color of this rose is absolutely amazing.Thanks a lot.  Sincerely,Marina Parr
Reply #3 of 7 posted 3 AUG 07 by Judith C.
Maybe it was Burgundy Ice? Yet another fantastic photo from Henrique!! Every time I look at a rose that is new for me, Henrique has got it!! What a collection! And we can always count on having a good-quality photo, showing the rose as it truly is! Thank you, Henrique!!
Reply #4 of 7 posted 7 AUG 07 by Henrique R. Vivián
Thank you, Judith, for your kind comments.
About "Ilios" and "Burgundy Ice" there is no possibility of both being the same rose, because the plants and flowers are different . Anyway, MERCI.

Reply #5 of 7 posted 9 AUG 07 by Judith C.
Obrigada (?), Henrique!
Could I ask you what you think of Burgundy Ice? Any positive or negative points? Thank you!
Reply #6 of 7 posted 9 AUG 07 by Henrique R. Vivián
I liked your "obrigada". You know when people use "obrigado" or "obrigada". Have you been in Portugal or... ?
Well, Burgundy Ice is leaving its first year in my garden. I will give it some more time to show the qualities of Iceberg, beause just now is insignificant. I promise to give you news about its developement. Obrigado,

Reply #7 of 7 posted 10 AUG 07 by Judith C.
Thank you for your reply, Henrique. (Yes, I spent a couple of holidays in Portugal - wonderful place and great people! I remember trying out my Portuguese - highly limited - in a restaurant, saying 'obrigada' to the waiter when he took away my enormous banknote to pay for the bill - I had great difficulty getting my change - and he explained to me that, in that context, it virtually meant 'keep the change'!!! But that's got nothing to do with roses!) Look forward to your comments on Burgundy Ice later ... Have a good day! Judith.
Discussion id : 15-958
most recent 22 JUN 07 SHOW ALL
Initial post 10 JAN 07 by Josep

You have a  fantastic rose collection. I've always thank that in the Iberian Peninsule somebody could have this amount of roses.

I have a question. Do you have some Pedro Dot rose ? I'm catalan, i live near Barcelona and I've visit Dot's grandsons nursery. But the older varieties, like Condesa de Sástago, Mari Dot, Catalonia, Àngel Guimera... are not available here. I've bougth  some roses in Europe, as Condesa de Sástago, Nevada or Mme. Gregoire Staechelin, but i can't find anymore  old Dot rose.  Could you help me ?  If you want, reply in portuguese, i've have any problem for understanding it.



Reply #1 of 9 posted 12 JAN 07 by Henrique R. Vivián

Thanks for the comment.

About your question, unfortunately, I cannot help you very much. My knowledge concerning DOT collection is very  restricted, nevertheless is better comparatively our last renowned breeder MOREIRA DA SILVA.

At this moment the only DOT hybrid tea in my garden is LJUBA RIZZOLI (one of my favourites). CONDESA DE SASTAGO died and I'm going to replace it.

Maybe you can get DUQUESA DE PEÑARANDA  at nursery LOUBERT in France and try the contact with near you.

In HMF is used to write in english, so, if you wish details, it will be easier for me writing in portuguese language, please email me.


Reply #2 of 9 posted 6 FEB 07 by Anonymous-98621
Hi Josep¡: I write to you from Spain, near Barcelona; I can give you some information about the Dot's roses. You can write to me in catalan, spanish, french or english. Warm regards
Reply #4 of 9 posted 6 FEB 07 by Unregistered Guest
Hola, moltes gràcies per la resposta. A veure que em pots dir, perquè és un tema que em té força intrigat el fet de no trobar aquestes roses.
Reply #3 of 9 posted 6 FEB 07 by mar
Hi Josep¡: I write to you from Spain, near Barcelona; I can give you some information about the Dot's roses. You can write to me in catalan, spanish, french or english. Warm regards.

My login is mar
Reply #5 of 9 posted 6 FEB 07 by Josep
Hola. Tota la informació que em puguis donar serà bona. Gràcies!

Hello. Every information that you could give me will be very apreciated. Thanks!
Reply #6 of 9 posted 6 FEB 07 by Josep
Here my e-mail adress. Can send you any kind of private message ?

Et dono el meu mail :
Reply #7 of 9 posted 22 JUN 07 by Unregistered Guest
Bonjour mar,

Existe-t-il une Roseraie Dot a San Feliu de Llobregat ?
Si oui, ou se trouve-t-elle ?
Reply #8 of 9 posted 22 JUN 07 by mar
Salutacions Ami Roses, vraiment il-y-a une Roseraie a Sant Feliu de Llobregat, a peu pres de Barcelona mais la dernière fois que j'ai vais aller elle est fermée. Puis, un autre ami va dire que quelques roses sont bien changées de nom ou obtenteur, je ne sais pas si c'est vrai, je crois que il y a des travaux a cette roseraie. Mais Atention¡¡ a Barcelona, au coeur de la cité, dans le rue appelée Avenue Diagonal est trouve le Roseraie anommené CERVANTES, elle est merveileuse, roses anciennes et nouvelles et il-y-a plusieur des rosiers pour le zone 7-9 , des obtenteurs espagnols Dot, Bordás, Pahissa, etc. Dans la même Roseraie il-y-a un jardin anomenée Jardin des Sens, des Fragances, par-ce-que tous les rosiers ils ont une fragance remarcable, les aveugles ils aiment beaucoup ce jardin.
AmiRoses, merci par toutes les fleurs que tu as a HMF o roses Anciennes de MSN
Cordialement, bien à vous

Reply #9 of 9 posted 22 JUN 07 by AmiRoses
Mucho Gracias, Mar!
Discussion id : 13-469
most recent 27 JUL 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 JUL 06 by Henrique R. Vivián

To HMF Administration,

I would like to know why the "Q & C" are empty all over the gardens. I know that "My HMF" shows  the same in privacy, but is that better than the last open information?!!

Best regards,

Henrique Rodrigues

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