'HARregale' rose References
Website/Catalog (2017) Page(s) 58. Includes photo(s). Cardinal Hume Shrub. Very low spreading shrub. Medium size cupped blooms, repeat well. Fragrant.
Website/Catalog (2007) Page(s) 33. Includes photo(s).
Book (2002) Page(s) 30. Rated 7.7
Book (2000) Page(s) 144. Includes photo(s). ‘Cardinal Hume’/HARregale = Arbuste… larges bouquets… magnifiques fleurs doubles en coupe, rouge bordeaux pourpré, au fort parfum de musc… feuillage sombre et bien dessiné… floraison quasi continue, si bien qu’on pardonne à ce rosier sa légère sensibilité au marsonia. De croissance moyenne, un peu étalé… Rosier au pedigree complexe, il a marqué, de pair avec ‘International Herald Tribute’, l’émergence d’un nouveau type de rosier issu de Rosa californica. Il est dédié à Basil Hume, primat de l’église catholique romaine en Angleterre… Harkness UK 1984. ((semis x (Orange Sensation x Allgold)) x Rosa californica plena) x Frank Naylor. Certificat de Mérite à Courtrai 1986.
Article (newsletter) (Mar 1998) Page(s) 4. Very well-clothed in dark green, matte leaves which have been very resistant to disease … the plant can grow tall, up to six feet … and can spread to eight feet across … always in bloom … The cupped, inch and a half to two-inch flowers are very double and are a dark, rich, red-violet velvet… The fragrance … is a delicious, spicy, strong cinnamon that carries very well on moist, warm air… Many smallish, round orange hips are formed over the course of the year … It roots extremely easily and may be trained as a single trunk tree rose grown on its own roots. [Rupert has] found it to be an excellent rootstock and a prolific parent. Its breeding possibilities appear limitless. 'Cardinal Hume' resulted from a very involved line of orange and lavender floribundas and hybrid teas mixed with shrubs and R. californica.
Book (1997) Page(s) 78, 79. Includes photo(s). Page 78: Cardinal Hume Description and cultivation... its growth habit is much wider than it is tall... The color, very reminiscent of dark purple Gallicas, is not found in too many Modern Roses... deep red-purple, and mildly fragrant. The petals have a distinctive pointed tip and are folded on the outer edge... This cultivar is named for G. Basil Hume, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, who became a cardinal in 1976... Page 79: [Photo]
Book (1997) Page(s) 289, 290. Includes photo(s). Page 289: [Photo] Page 290: Cardinal Hume (HARregale) Modern Shrub. Harkness (UK) 1984. Parentage: [('Lilac Charm' x 'Sterling Silver') x ('Orangeade' x 'Lilac Charm')] x [('Orange Sensation' x 'Allgold') x R. californica] x 'Frank Naylor'. Description... rich tyrian purple double flowers...
Book (Jul 1996) Page(s) 67. Includes photo(s). Cardinal Hume Description and cultivation advice
Book (Mar 1995) Page(s) 144. Cardinal Hume (HARregale) Harkness (England) 1984. Shrub. Description... One spray of the small, double, purple blooms makes a complete bouquet... its only fault is a tendency to blackspot...
Book (1994) Page(s) 113. Cardinal Hume Description... A violet-purple more reminiscent of the Gallicas in colour but fortunately recurrent...