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'Pink Wonder' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 84-957
most recent 16 MAY 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 MAY 15 by Michael Garhart
Based on the foliage, architecture, petal type, etc., my guess is that this is probably a parent, or more likely, a grandparent of Birthday Girl. It is too bad there is no parentage record for such an amazing rose. But this is my closest guess-timate. Strawberry Ice is likely the other parent. But, again, we will likely never know.

Edit: Turns out that a sister to Pink Wonder, Frenzy, was the grandparent.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 15 MAY 15 by Nastarana
Do you not agree with the parentage listed on HMF?
Reply #2 of 3 posted 16 MAY 15 by Patricia Routley
Michael might have been talking of 'Birthday Girl' for which no parentage is known.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 16 MAY 15 by Michael Garhart
Yeah, I was talking about 'Birthday Girl', not this rose.
Discussion id : 23-533
most recent 15 JAN 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 JAN 08 by Patricia Routley
Re the parentage of Pink Wonder (syn Kalinka)
Seed: Zambra ®
Pollen: Sarabande ® × [ × Fashion (floribunda, Boerner, 1947)]

The Australian Rose Annual 1971 page 24 shows:
[Zambra x Sarabande] x [Goldilocks x Fashion]
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