'MEIlavio' rose References
Website/Catalog (27 Dec 2018) Includes photo(s). Travita™ MEIlavio. Perfectly quartered blooms of rich ruby red....
Book (Aug 2002) Page(s) 86. Traviata Interim Rating 7.7
Article (misc) (Jul 2002) Page(s) 7. Traviata Hybrid Tea [dr]
Website/Catalog (4 Jan 1999) Page(s) 5. Includes photo(s). Page 5: [PHOTO] The photos on this page are mislabelled. 'Traviata' is the rose in the photograph labelled 'Abbaye de Cluny'. Traviata™ (MEIviola) Romantica Series. Description... Large, red, old-fashioned blooms borne singly on long stems... 110 or more petals...
Article (magazine) (19 Nov 1998) Page(s) 146. MEIlavio Hybrid Tea, dark red, 1998; (Traviata™; 'Xaviere'); ['Porta Nigra' (MEIrgano) x 'Paola' (TANaloap)] x 'William Shakespeare' (AUSroyal); Selection Meilland. Description.