'Conrad Ferdinand Meyer' rose References
Book (2001) Page(s) 35. Hybrid Rugosa. Rated 7.3
Book (2000) Page(s) 176. Includes photo(s). ‘Conrad Ferdinand Meyer’: Hybride de Rugosa… grand arbuste un peu anarchique aux longs rameaux épineux… feuillage épais et rude est parfois touché par la rouille. Müller, Allemagne, 1899. (Gloire de Dijon x Duc de Rohan) x Rosa rugosa ‘Germanica’.
Book (1997) Page(s) 227. Includes photo(s). Conrad Ferdinand Meyer Rugosa. E. Müller (Germany) 1899. R. rugosa hybrid x 'Gloire de Dijon'. Description and cultivation... flowers: silver-pink... prone to rust...
Book (1995) Page(s) 66. Includes photo(s).
Book (1994) Page(s) 82. Includes photo(s).
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 82, 129. Includes photo(s). Hybrid Rugosa. Description. Named for a Swiss novelist and poet admired for the aristocratic purity of his German. Introduced by Doctor Franz Müller (Weingarten) 1899. Flowers: large, fragrant, silver pink. Parentage: Rosa rugosa x 'Gloire de Dijon'.
Book (11 Jun 1993) Page(s) 14, 15. Includes photo(s). Page 14: ('Gloire de Dijon' x 'Duc de Rohan') x 'Germanica'. Müller (Germany) 1899. Description... large recurrent blossoms are an appealing pink shade and resemble an exaggerated hybrid tea rose... best planted behind lower roses or at the back of a border. Page 15: [Photo]
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 107. Hybrid Rugosa (Shrub), light pink, 1899, R. rugosa hybrid x 'Gloire de Dijon'; Müller, F. Flowers silver pink, double, cupped, large blooms in clusters; very fragrant; foliage leathery; vigorous (8-10 ft.), good pillar rose, bushy growth; repeat bloom.
Book (1993) Page(s) 28. An excessively vigorous hybrid … one of the most powerful and delicious fragrances.
Book (1993) Page(s) 237. Includes photo(s). Conrad Ferdinand Meyer Rugosa hybrid. Used by Austin in his breeding programme. ('Gloire de Dijon' x ('Duc de Rohan' x Rosa rugosa)). Repeats. Height: 300 cm (10 ft.) Very fragrant.