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'Dona Maria' rose References
Book  (2012)  Page(s) 68.  
Rosiers toujours vert. Rosa sempervirens, Linné. 1ère Serie...
R. Sempervirens Dona maria, Vibert
Book  (2003)  Page(s) 50.  
'Donna Maria' syn. Doña Maria (Vibert, ca. 1830).
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 140.  
Donna Marie Hybrid Sempervirens, white, 1830, ('Donna Maria'); R. sempervirens hybrid; Vibert. Description.
Book  (1990)  Page(s) 141.  
Donna Marie Rambler. Vibert 1830. Description. Flowers: small, cupped, double, white...
Book  (1967)  Page(s) 173.  
A lovely white, with clusters of double blooms faintly tinged with yellow at the base, is being trained up a tree alongside the white garden. From studying early nineteenth century rose books we decided it must be either Rampant or Donna Maria. As the former produces some autumn flower, and we waited in vain for our plant to do so, we feel our lovely climber must be Donna Maria - a rose with the noticeable pale green foliage mentioned by William Paul in The Rose Garden.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 106.  
The Evergreen Roses. I hope that the few notes as to lost or forgotten varieties may lead to their rediscovery and re-introduction in our gardens. Dona Maria Double small, pure white.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 455.  
Maria, Dona (sempervirens or noisette) Vibert ca. 1830; white-pink, small, single to semi-double, flat cup form, cluster-flowered, climbing habit.
Magazine  (Jun 1929)  Page(s) 73.  
Dona Maria (B. Jard., 1847), fl. moy., blanc pur.
Book  (1910)  Page(s) 26.  
The Evergreen Rose (Rosa sempervirens L.)...
Donna Maria and rosea major (= plena), the former of moderate growth, remains the smallest of all. It has full, flat cup formed medium size blooms with pure white petals.
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 48.  
3.171. Dona Maria, Sempervirens, Vibert, blanc rosé
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