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'Hoosier Glory' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 56-498
most recent 5 AUG 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 5 AUG 11 by MaryG
You probably aren't figuring on pegging Eutin, but just in case you are, well, I'd suggest that you avoid that with this particular rose. On the three canes that I pegged, they all suffered dieback from the point of the peg attachment outwards.
Discussion id : 11-475
most recent 7 MAR 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 MAR 06 by ParisRoseLady
I planted a couple of Eutins amidst some pine trees to add some color. I'd heard they could tolerate some shade. Well, they bloom very well, especially considering they don't receive nearly as much sun as roses are recommended to get. However, they did blackspot late in the season without preventative spraying. I've heard they are much healthier in full sun, which I believe. If I ever move this rose into full sun, I can expect a lot from it. As it is, it is doing admirably well. Claire, St Louis Missouri, Zone 5/6
Reply #1 of 1 posted 7 MAR 06 by The Old Rosarian
Eutin is a beautiful rose, but it certain areas it is prone to black spot. If you are in one of the climates it dislikes then alas it will get black spot no matter where you plant it. If it is doing well where you have it planted, then I would leave it there and enjoy it.
Discussion id : 4-923
most recent 25 FEB 04 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 FEB 04 by Anonymous-797
I would like to put in a 40' row of Eutin roses around the corner of my yard. I live near Wichita, Ks. Is the Eutin rose a low maintanance rose plant for diseases? Is it considered a schrub rose? Is it a continuous blooming rose or does it need pruning to get it to rebloom. Thanks
Reply #1 of 1 posted 25 FEB 04 by Unregistered Guest
Eutin roses are wonderful--first roses I ever planted (years ago). I still have four of these very dramatic floribundas.

They are very easy to grow, assuming you give them food every six weeks (spring through late summer) and generously water them a couple times a week during those HOT summer months. Since Wichita is drier than my southeast KS home, you might have to adjust the watering some.

In early spring, I cut back dead wood. If there isn't much winter damage, I cut the bushes back some more, just so they won't get too big for the spots they are in. I try to keep the bushes around 3 ft tall/wide--but they seem to like to get a bit bigger. After each major wave of abundant blooms (they aren't continuous), I trim off the old blooms back to the closest strong side bud I can find--partly to keep the bushes looking neat, but I believe that might be needed so the new flowering will be strong--but I don't know that for a fact. I've just always done it. Between strong waves of bloom, you will have several weeks where not much is happening --or at least--showing.

Diseases aren't a major problem. Eutin is pretty tough. However, I often use a food that also has some kind of systemic in it--that handles most problems. Occasionally I need to use a rose powder for blackspot or aphids or mildew, but that isn't very often and probably has more to do with the fact that my trees have grown large enough so that they are cutting an hour or so off the sun time they should be getting. However, that doesn't stop my eutins from blooming their heads off anyway, so maybe they don't need the full 6 hours of sun most books recommend for roses.

It is possible that some of the new landscape roses are more continuous blooming--I haven't checked into any of them. I just love my eutins--jbig clusters of vivid rose red blooms--very close to the color of the Blaze ramblers you can see all over Kansas. As roses go, Eutin is a very easy -going and rewarding rose--but all roses need some attention, don't they?
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