Book (19 Apr 2000) Page(s) 301. 'LANtor', HT, pb, 1985; (Torvill & Dean); description; (Irish Gold X Alexander); Sealand Nurseries, Ltd., 1984
Book (1995) Page(s) 78. Ross Heathcote, New Roses in Victoria. Torville & Dean (89): I picked 25 blooms from two bushes. Unusual colours of peach and apricot. Repeats quickly and has healthy foliage. (1 report)
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 611. Torvill & Dean Hybrid Tea, pink, yellow reverse, 1985, (LANtor); 'Grandpa Dickson' x 'Alexander'; Sealand Nurseries, Ltd. Description.
Book (May 1992) Page(s) 408. Torvill & Dean Hybrid Tea. Sealand (UK) 1984... mid-pink blooms with a cream underlay and base...
Book (1985) Page(s) 81. Jack Harkness, UK. New Roses Galore. In the summer of 1984 BARB offered....Bees' business has been re-organized, and their new roses have developed upon Sealand Nurseries, who introduced three. 'Torville and Dean', named after a pair of skaters, is a pink and yellow Hybrid Tea.