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'HARcomp' rose References
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 304.  
Highfield (HARcomp, 'Lemon Sunbeam') Large-flowered Climber... flowers that are strong yellow in color then fade with pink blushes... Geneva Prize and Silver Medal 1980, Courtrai Certificate of Merit 1980...
Book  (Mar 1995)  Page(s) 97.  
Highfields Large-flowered climbing sport of 'Compassion'... just as vigorous and fragrant, but yellow...
Book  (1995)  Page(s) 33.  
Highfield differing from its parent in the colour of its flowers, which are a soft yellow though occasionally the odd one will revert... named for the sixtieth anniversary of the Highfield Nurseries in Gloucestershire...
Book  (Jul 1993)  Page(s) 87.  
Highfield Description... light yellow flowers with occasional peachy tints...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 245.  
Highfield® Large-flowered Climber, light yellow, 1980, (HARcomp); 'Compassion' sport; Harkness.
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 146-147.  Includes photo(s).
Highfield Climbing Hybrid Tea. Description.
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