'War Dance' rose References
Website/Catalog (3 Sep 2013) Registered Name: 'Macfirinlin' Synonyms: 'Fiesta' ARS Approved Exhibition Name: War Dance F, mr, 1998, McGredy, Sam IV; bud small; flowers medium red, handpainted in cool weather, 2½ in., 9-10 petals, borne in small clusters, slight, fruity fragrance; foliage small, medium green, semi-glossy; prickles moderate, curved downward; compact, low (30 cm.) growth; hips globose, green with orange at top; PP10699. [Howard Morrison × Sue Lawley]. Introductions: McGredy, 1997
Booklet (2008) An Information List of all Varieties. p8 1995. Fiesta - Macfirinlin. Nicknamed First In Line.
Book (2005) Page(s) 149. p149. MACfirnlin See 'War Dance.
p254. War Dance (MACfirnlin*, Fiesta) F. (Pat) mr (rb) McGredy 1998 (int. 1995) MR11 - Bell Roses Ltd., N.Z.
[* = registered as]
Book (2002) Page(s) 84. Fiesta F. See 'War Dance'. JJ5 (C & K Jones, England), LL5 (Bill LeGrice, England), WW2 (Warley Rose Gardens)
Article (magazine) (19 Nov 1998) Page(s) 145. MACfirinlin Floribunda, medium red, handpainted in cool weather, 1998; (War Dance; 'Fiesta'); 'Howard Morrison' x 'Sue Lawley'; McGredy, Sam. Description.
Book (1998) Page(s) 47. Peter Elliott. New Zealand International Rose Trial Ground. Trial 27. 1995-1997 Variety No. 95.3035. WD. [withdrawn?] Type: PT In T20, 1676. 'MACfirlin'. Breeder: McGredy. Agent: Egmont. Colour: crimson/silver.