Newsletter (2001) Page(s) 28. Vol 22, No. 1. Marie's [Philo] Musings. Eclair is supposed to be a metre tall, but is now up to the roof of the garden shed. This is an almost black/red rose, small, perfumed and rather lovely.
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 216. Includes photo(s). Éclair ('Gartendirektor Lauche') Hybrid Perpetual. Lacharmé (France) 1883. Description... folded outer petals like rich velvet that surround the quartered center... dark red blossoms are shaded black...
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 157. Includes photo(s). Eclair Hybrid Perpetual. Description. The name means 'lightning' in French... François Lacharme 1883... exceptionally dark crimson flowers... Like so many very dark reds it has not been blessed with all that robust a constitution. Parentage: 'Général Jacqueminot' x unknown
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 150. Eclair. Hybrid Perpetual (OGR), dark red, 1883. 'Général Jacqueminot' x Seedling; Lacharme. Description.
Book (Feb 1993) Page(s) 119. Includes photo(s). Eclair Hybrid Perpetual Botanical grouping: Chinensis 'Général Jacqueminot' x unknown France 1883 ... relatively scant foliage... very dark red... Recurrent...
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 129. Éclair (Translation, 'Lightning'; synonym, 'Gärtendirektor Lauche') Hybrid Perpetual. Lacharme, 1883. Seedling of 'Général Jacqueminot'. [Author cites information from different sources.] ... vermilion red... Very dark... almost black...
Website/Catalog (1986) Page(s) 17. Eclair......Thanks to Mrs. Wray. 1833.
Website/Catalog (1985) Page(s) 19. Eclair..... 4 x 2’.
Article (website) (1982) Page(s) 15. Eclair (Hybrid Perpetual) A very dark red variety, almost black. Fairly vigorous, free flowering and well scented. 1833 (R) 5 x 2’.
Article (magazine) (Dec 1951) Page(s) 208. Eclair Description... maroon with blackish sheen... A very dark hybrid perpetual...