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'MICautumn' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 122-135
most recent 13 JUN 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 JUN 20 by mlaiuppa
Available from - Roses Unlimited
Discussion id : 83-096
most recent 13 FEB 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 FEB 15 by Michael Garhart
I bought this when it was new. Like most first and second generation minifloras, it mildewed :[ It seems to be selected against now, thankfully. Nothing was as bad as Tiffany Lynn though. It was the Crystalline of minifloras -- mildew from head to toe.
Discussion id : 46-244
most recent 27 JUN 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 JUN 10 by Greg2213
I completely agree with the other comments. A.S. is a gorgeous rose and survives our zone 5 (Spokane, WA) area. This winter everything above ground died and was cut back, but came back nicely (we have three.) My wife won "Queen of Show" with one of these at last year's rose show.
Discussion id : 22-235
most recent 24 OCT 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 OCT 07 by John Moody
This Autumn Splendor is a super nice rose in my garden and I would recommend it to anyone. The blooms are perfect sized and so colorful that they stand out like a beacon. The bush is very bushy and vigorous growing providing good stem length for cutting roses for the vase. Get this one and you will like it in your garden.
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