'Dr. Edward Deacon' rose References
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 463. Dr. Edward Deacon Pernetiana. Morse 1926. The author cites information from different sources... deep salmon-orange, fading to shrimp-pink...
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 201. Includes photo(s). Dr. Edward Deacon Hybrid Tea. Morse (UK) 1926. 'Mme. Edouard Herriot' x 'Gladys Holland'... one of the first coppery salmon Large-flowered Roses bred... salmon-orange to shrimp-pink, double, globular... one of the forerunners of the brilliant copper and flame-colored roses of today...
Article (website) (1982) Page(s) 14. Dr. Edward Deacon (H.T.) An older H.T. from Morse after a local rose enthusiast of this area. Vigorous, tawny apricot suffused with rose-madder. Scented. 1926. (C) 4 x 3’.
Book (1936) Page(s) 196. Deacon, Dr. Edward (HT) Morse 1926; M.E. Herriot X Gl. Holland; darl salmon-orange, fades to crab-pink, very large, double, globular, lasting, in clusters of 2-5, fragrance 4/10, floriferous, continuous bloom, few prickles, growth 6/10, bushy, hardy. Sangerhausen
Magazine (Sep 1930) Page(s) 123. Les meilleurs roses nouvelles de 1926 par Monsieur Meilland... Pernetianas.... Dr Edward Deacon (Henry Morse & Sons). — Fleur d'un coloris charmant ; le bord des pétales est rouge crevette, passant au jaune orange saumoné vers la base des pétales. Arbuste de végétation idéale. Très appréciée comme rose de jardin.
Website/Catalog (1928) Page(s) 28. New Roses 1928. Dr. Edward Deacon (HT. Henry Morse & Sons 1926) The margin of the petals is pale shrimp pink gradually merging into a deep salmon orange towards the base of petals, giving the flower a wonderful appearance, each petal being artistically reflexed. The rose is very full and of fine form, and last well, and for the exhibitor it is par excellence. Its qualities for the garden are equally charming and attractive, being so very free. The habit of the plant is ideal, upright and free. Bold, glossy, leathery foliage, and is practically disease proof.
Article (misc) (Feb 1927) Page(s) 215. Dr. E. Deacon Hybrid Tea. (H. Morse & Sons, 1926.) 'Mme. Edouard Herriot' x 'Gladys Holland'. Description... deep salmon-orange, fading to shrimp-pink... Certificate of Merit, Norwich, 1925.