The Garden 51: 122 (Feb 13, 1897)
Rose Souvenir de Gabrielle Drevet (Tea). —This is a most beautiful Rose, but it is very little known. It was sent out by Guillot in 1884, a raiser who has given us such gems as Catherine Mermet, Gloire Lyonnaise, Christine de Noue, Comtesse de Nadaillac, Ernest Metz, Hon. E. Gifford, La France, Mme. Cusin, Mme. de Watteville, and Mme. Hoste. The Rose under notice has a good substantial petal. The flowers, which are produced on stiff stems, are of a salmon-white tint with bright rose centre, the base of petals coppery yellow. It is a large full flower, very sweet-scented, and can withstand rain better than the majority of Tea-scented varieties. Under glass it is very beautiful, especially if grown somewhat cool.