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'GREtoots' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 114-106
most recent 18 NOV 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 NOV 18 by SoCal Coastal Rosarian
I have reason to believe that this marvelous flori is under appreciated. I suspect that the reason may be that most of the plants out there are on their own roots. This rose is not intrinsically vigorous and greatly benefits from budding. I plan to bud up a plant on Fortuniana rootstock. By the way the unique coloration is fully expressed only under cool conditions.
Discussion id : 51-328
most recent 3 JAN 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 3 JAN 11 by SoCal Coastal Rosarian
I love this floribunda! Stellar performer in our coastal climate. Small shapely plant that never stops blooming. The coloration is of the "hand painted" type which is distinctly different from the now popular striped roses. Hightly resistant to mildew. Makes a very nice tree rose. Good for exhibition. Rose is now hard to obtain.
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