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,Arvid`s garden Lista, the 8th of August 2011. Here seen in company with "Monk`s Hood", "Wild Tansy", "Astrantia","perennial Sunflowers" (Helianthus Rigidus)- and this time two flowers of "Morden Centennial".
Uploaded 21 AUG 11 |
Arvid`s garden ,Lista ,Norway, the 6th of July 2011. Ever since I first saw this rose in Tantau`s Rose Park in Uetersen in Germany, I have wanted to acquire it for my own garden. I was lucky to get it from our local nursery this year.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 22 JUL 11 |
Arvid`s garden, Lista the 6th of August 2011. The colour of this rose should be somewhat more on the blood red side. This colour seems to be difficult to produce with my digital camera. Part of a flower of "Morden Centennial is still keeping company.
Uploaded 21 AUG 11 |
Johannisfeuer in northern Germany. These blossoms started opening 4 weeks before this picture was taken and have had a lot of heavy rain and windstorms during that month. |
Arvid`s garden, Lista, the 6th of August 2001. One may detect part of a flower of "Morden Centennial to the left.
Uploaded 21 AUG 11 |
Arvid`s garden, Lista, the 6th of August 2011. Here seen in company with a flower of "Morden Centennial" and a few flowers of the perennial "Monk`s Hood".
Uploaded 21 AUG 11 |
Johannisfeuer in northern Germany, after heavy rain and wind in June. Longlasting blossoms, which were the first to open beginning of June.
2 favorite votes. |
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