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'Howard Florey' rose Description
'Howard Florey' rose photo
Photo courtesy of David Elliott
Commercially available
HMF Ratings:
5 favorite votes.  
Apricot or apricot blend Floribunda.
Registration name: TOMflo
Exhibition name: Howard Florey
Bred by George L. Thomson (Australia, before 1996).
Introduced in Australia by Ross Roses in 1999 as 'Howard Florey'.
Apricot, yellow undertones.  Strong, clove, lemon fragrance.  15 to 25 petals.  Average diameter 3".  Medium, double (17-25 petals) bloom form.  Blooms in flushes throughout the season.  
Bushy.  Semi-glossy, dark green foliage.  

Height: 42" to 4½' (105 to 135cm).  
USDA zone 6b and warmer.  Spring Pruning: Remove old canes and dead or diseased wood and cut back canes that cross. In warmer climates, cut back the remaining canes by about one-third. In colder areas, you'll probably find you'll have to prune a little more than that.  
Australia - Patent No: AU2598P  on  7 Feb 2005
Application No: 1998/199  on  7 Oct 1998   VIEW PBR PATENT
seed parent ‘Seduction’ x pollen parent ‘Apricot Nectar’. The seed parent was characterised by its white and pink petal colour. The pollen parent was characterised by its semi-double flower type and large blooms. Hybridisation took place in Mt Barker, South Australia in 1995 and 1996....Breeder: George Thomson, Mt Barker, South Australia.
First Australian sale winter 1999.
Ross Roses say that in Australia, 'Howard Florey' is a charity rose sold to raise funds for medical research. Howard Florey, a distinguished South Australian, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for Medicine in 1945 for his development of lifesaving Penicillin.