'Manda's Triumph' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 351. Manda's Triumph Rambler, Flowers pure white [w], 1899, R. wichuraiana x 'Pâquerette'; Horvath; W.A. Manda... in clusters of 10-12
Magazine (1939) Page(s) 103-104. In a letter written to Secretary Hatton on August 16, 1939, Mr. Horvath, who had in the meantime looked up his old records, wrote thus:
"It was not in New Jersey where I was employed by the firm of Pitcher & Manda (also known as United States Nurseries) but after leaving P. & M., from where I went to Newport, R. I., that the birth of the Wichuraiana hybrids occurred. It was while I was absent from Newport, leaving my plants in charge of V. Vanicek, a friend of W. A. Manda, that the original hybrid plants were given to him, thus finding their way into commerce. Corrections may now be made, because I have found the record of the missing pollinate parent of the two pink hybrids. R. Wichuraiana X Agrippina gave two crosses, including Pink Roamer and South Orange Perfection. Two others, Manda's Triumph and Universal Favorite, resulted from crossing R. Wichuraiana X Paquerette, a small imbricate-petaled dwarf white Polyantha.
Book (1936) Page(s) 449. Manda's Triumph (hybrid wichurana) Manda 1897; R. Wich. X HP; white, small, single, regular form, in clusters of 50-100, floriferous, few leaves, growth 9/10, climbing, 4 m. Sangerhausen
Book (1910) Page(s) 262. Manda's Triumph Wichuraiana: flowers pure white, double, of medium size.
Book (1908) Page(s) 67. Wichuraiana Roses. Manda's Triumph. Manda, 1897. Pure white, double.
Website/Catalog (1908) Page(s) 19. Hardy Climbing Roses, including Ramblers... Manda's Triumph. Large clusters of double white flowers; sweet scented...Each .30, Per 10 2.00
Website/Catalog (1907) Page(s) 3. Wichuriana Roses. Manda's Triumph Double, white, fragrant.
Book (1906) Page(s) 169. W. A. Manda, South Orange, New Jersey, introduced in 1897 and 1899 a number of very distinct climbing roses, with R. Wichuraiana as one parent. They are practically evergreen. ...Manda's Triumph, double white, flowering in clusters, sweet scented.
Website/Catalog (1903) Wichuraiana Hybrids: Manda's Triumph A ground, free-flowering Rose; foliage rich and luxuriant. The flowers - double, pure white and 2 inches in diameter-are well formed, very fragrant, and borne in cluster of 25 to 50 blooms.
Book (1902) Page(s) 161. Rosa Wichuraiana 6241. Manda's Triumph....(Amérique 1898), blanc