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'Apricot Queen Elizabeth' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 62-785
most recent 11 JUL 20 SHOW ALL
Initial post 17 MAR 12 by Jay-Jay
Wim Oudshoorn states in his book "Rozen" (page42), that Apricot Queen Elizabeth is a mutation of Queen Elizabeth.
But in my opinion he postulates more in that book, that is questionable/pretentious.
Reply #1 of 4 posted 11 JUL 20 by Michael Garhart
I actually agree with this idea. The foliage alone does not explain a mutation, not to mention numerous other factors.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 11 JUL 20 by Jay-Jay
Is there a new lay-out of the mail sent by HMF?
See attachment
Reply #3 of 4 posted 11 JUL 20 by Michael Garhart
I got that too o_o
Reply #4 of 4 posted 11 JUL 20 by Jay-Jay
Maybe an idea, too communicate this change to the members via the button new recent / new site features?
Discussion id : 45-254
most recent 13 JUL 15 SHOW ALL
Initial post 29 MAY 10 by Jay-Jay
In The Netherlands we have to cut "Abrikoos Queen Elizabeth" (the name the breeder Verschuren gave it) very short, or else you get an awfull looking framework of old and dead wood because it's so vigorously growing. But it's a very healthy rose and you can spot it in many frontyards in my region. Flowering and growing from spring to winter, or untill real frost kicks in. Then it's still bearing lots and lots of flowers and unopened buds. It is not the most beautifull rose I know, but it's a real workhorse! (I like the Belgian workhorses too) A no nonsense rose! With one rose you have a handfull, as you can see on one of my photo's.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 12 JUL 15 by Aurelija D.
I actually managed to almost kill this one... for some reason it does not particularly like my garden. Lovely when just opening, but quickly loses the form and subtlety as the bloom ages.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 12 JUL 15 by Jay-Jay
I would like Your garden to grow in... if I were a rose!
But wasn't it almost killed by the bad winter of 2012 in Your garden? (and not by You?)
In mine it was. And it cost a few years to recover a bit.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 13 JUL 15 by Aurelija D.
No, I have it for years, took it along from when we still lived in Groningen (8 years back). Had it planted in 2 good spots in this garden since, never really grew well for me. Could be a clone problem of course, but I haven't seen her anywhere in the gardens around here in the villages, which is strange, since she is usually available in Tuinland and alikes. Did not look too good in Winschoten either, so maybe she does not like specific soils/conditions. Actually, now when she is exiled to the fence bed, where it is a lot of sand from the roadworks, she is doing a bit better than she did in the normal bed.
Discussion id : 65-706
most recent 11 JUL 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 11 JUL 12 by Jay-Jay
Wim Oudshoorn writes in his book: "WIM OUDSHOORN over ROZEN", on pages 104 and 114, that Apricot Queen Elizabeth is in fact a sport of Queen Elizabeth, just like Scarlet Queen Elizabeth (coral-red) and Royal Queen (white).
This book is (in my opinion) a lot more informative and correct than the previous one of the same author!
Discussion id : 62-226
most recent 24 FEB 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 FEB 12 by Jay-Jay
This rose is a very fertile seedparent! With very nice outcome!
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