'Freifrau von Marschall' rose References
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 556. Freifrau von Marschall Wichurana. Peter Lambert 1912
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 193. Freifrau von Marschall Rambler P. Lambert, 1913 'Farquhar' x 'Schneewittchen' ... Flowers fresh pink [mp]...
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 14. Once-blooming climbers. Wichurana. Freifrau von Marschall (P. Lambert 13) Canes 2-3 1/2 m long, blooms in loose pyramidal trusses, fine form, tenderest yellowish pink, very floriferous.
Book (1936) Page(s) 460. von Marschall, Freifrau (hybrid wichurana) Lambert 1913; The Farquhar R. X Schneewittchen; tender yellowish pink, small, double, fine form, lax pointed clusters, floriferous, climbing habit, 3 m., Sangerhausen
Book (1933) Page(s) 181. FREIFRAU VON MARSCHALL. P. Lambert, 1913. Wichuraiana with clusters of bright pink flowers. Reported to be almost thornless.
Website/Catalog (1929) Page(s) 51. Hardy Climbing Roses Freifrau Von Marschall. Hybrid Wichuraiana. (P. Lambert, 1918.) Small, double flowers of fresh clean pink in immense loose clusters, which last a long time, both cut and on the plant. Growth vigorous—8 to 12 feet. Midseason. Very pretty and decorative when cut in long sprays. A good pillar Rose.
Magazine (1915) Page(s) 47. I mention only: the yellow double 'Alberic Barbier', the salmon-red 'Dorothy Perkins', which became a rival of 'Crimson Rambler', the dark red 'Excelsa' and 'Sodenia', the soft yellow 'Frl. Octavia Hesse', 'Greta Frey' with canes up to 8 m, the magnificent single red with yellow centre, 'Hiawatha', the coppery 'René André', 'May Queen' pure pink, 'Ruby Queen' coral-red, 'Freifrau v. Marschall' softest salmon-pink, 'Frau v. Brauer' with its very large, long-lasting firm, white trusses and helathy growth.
Website/Catalog (1914) Page(s) 7. Hybrid Wichuranas. Freifrau von Marschall P. Lambert 13). Canes 2-3 1/2m long, large, loose pyramidal trusses, small, fine form, double, softest pure pink, very lasting, also when cut. Fine decoration rose. Blooms in June.
Magazine (1913) Page(s) 9. FREIFRAU VON MARSCHALL (Multiflore grimpant. — Wichuraiana). M. Peter Lambert, rosiériste à Trêves (Allemagne), 1912; The Farquhar X Schneewittchen. — Arbuste très vigoureux, donnant des rameaux de 2 à 3 mètres de longueur, portant de rares mais très forts aiguillons stipulaires. Feuillage ample, vert très brillant. Fleurs en thyrses longs et pyramidaux, petites, pleines, bien faites, rose clair très tendre, se conservant longtemps fraîches, même après la cueillette. C'est par excellence une rose de decoration d'espalier, de colonnes, de guirlandes, et pour la création de rosiers pleureurs.