'Adolph Grille' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 3. Adolf Grille Hybrid Polyantha. (Kordes; introduced in the US by Jackson & Perkins 1940)... scarlet-carmine...
Book (1947) Page(s) 92. ADOLF GRILLE (Hybrid polyantha) produces its clustered heads of large double semi-globular bright-carmine flowers on compact but strong bushes, with dark green plentiful foliage. Kordes 1939. Deciduous. Vigorous. Slightly fragrant. ..June-September. Hardy.
Article (misc) (1945) Page(s) 179. Adolph Grille Hybrid Polyantha. Red. (Kordes 1939; introduced US Jackson & Perkins 1940). US Plant Patent No. 475
Book (1941) Page(s) 46. R. Marion Hatton. An American Review of the New Roses. The second Kordes is a semi-double, large flowered Hybrid Polyantha named Adolf Grille, with three and a half inch flowers which were cerise in summer and bright red in autumn. Plants were about 18 inches tall and bloomed about as well as this type does.