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'Europas Rosengarten' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 56-071
most recent 16 JUL 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 JUL 11 by Tessie
Delightful rose. First saw it last month, June 2011 at Eurodesert Roses, where it was blooming its little heart out. I hadn't read HMF's entry, so bent over to sniff and found it was very fragrant! So the entry does need updating because this rose is hardly scentless. I went to ER on June to buy yellow roses, but this one happened to be next to one of the yellow's I bought (Eurostar also fragrant!). I was so taken with it that once I got home and thought about it I decided I did need this little pink one and emailed and reserved the plant for pick up on my next visit. That was yesterday, and I now have Europa's Rosengarten.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 16 JUL 11 by RoseBlush
Thank you.

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